by digxxbitty on Comments
i love getting blu-ray's for my PS3, but one thing i've noticed is that the cases seem a little sketchy, like the 3 i've bought so far, the outside finish is a little wrinkled, the plastic too loose around the movie. i'm talking about the plastic after you open it and take off the seal and stuff, the one that holds the cover art. and when i open the case, the little piece of paper in the left side is too big, so all crunched up. one of the cases had broken handles on the left side. it's just weird since blu-ray's are so superior to DVD's but their packaging looks like they were made by a grade 3 art class. and one more thing, my M:I-3 blu-ray came with 2 discs! one for the special features, even tho blu-ray discs can hold more than enough for both, its just a marketing technique to make it look like there is more. rediculous. :evil: