by digxxbitty on Comments
so yesterday i had my big party. every year it serves as a nice year end celebration and my birthday party. it was great, i invited a whole lotta my friends, about 30 in total, guys and girls. only about 20 showed up, but it was ok. but guess who else showed up, 10 of my sisters friends. happens every year, well if beav gets a party then so do i! she pleas to my parents. my parents said it was practical since i had an astro jump this year, but it happened the past few years when i had nothing too. so all these little jr. high's were running around being gay but at least we had the astro jump. all 20 of us would pile in, wrestle, whip the rubber balls around, and play the monster game. you tip the A.J. and bury the monster, while he/she closes their eyes and tries to rough someone else up. when cake time rolled around there was another secret surprise. under 5 pieces of cake were chocolate loonies, and those 5 were now in an ice cream eating contest. it was tyo, call, d-marc, krawch and some jr. high guy. oh man it wasn't even close, tyo horked and it was over within 30 seconds. he won 2 movie passes, then we continued. time for a new game. while most of us were chillin' inside the A.J, a few guys thot it would be funny to climb up on top and crush everyone, well we had some news for them. we just kept feedin' 'em, drop kicks and jabs and body checks. it was a full out rumble on either side of the wall. while the jr. high's got their turn in the A.J, we amused our self with tackle football. the girls were right in it, but it wasn't long until they were knocked right out. fostman hammered jilldon, and it was amazing when mc-ma-hoon layed out grego. so it was fun, ended off the school year. :D