Pokémon Blue was really the first video game that I've ever played, and it still remains in my top 3. my family is christian, and my parents disapproved of Pokémon, a little bit because of the violence of battles, but mostly because they evolve. they support the theory of creation, that God created all things, and that they did not evolve. they didn't want me playing this game with evolution, so they threw out my Pokémon Blue, but I fished it out of the garbage, only for them to throw it out again. this time i could never retrieve it, and i was very sad. recently, i was delighted to discover that LeafGreen and FireRed were comming out, replicas of the original Pokémon games. i knew Pokémon Blue off by heart, every route, every trainer and every Pokémon. I really wanted to play so i bought myself a DS Lite and LeafGreen. now i just cant wait for Pearl to come out! :D
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