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School Registration

were just registering for next year now, and i had an elaborate schedule all planned out. by taking summer school, i would have room for 1½ spares next year and 2 spares the year after. i also met the 35 credit minimum, that includes summer school, but now summer school credits dont count, so i need to take more courses during the year. that not only takes away time that i would have used studying/homework, but it gives me more homework, probably dropping my marks a little all around. that makes me mad, especially when my marks count so much for university. they told me the credits in summer count towards my total 100 but not to my 35 in grade 11. when you think about it, if they force you to take another course in grade 11, then i'll have more than enough credits, so i dont need those from summer, making the whole thing pointless. thats what really grinds my gears.  :x