So I woke up Monday last week feeling really bad. I was coughing, and my mother was incredibally sick (not swine flu). So I stayed home and within a matter of hours I was sick with my mothers sickness. Which was crap. Then, I discovered that when I coughed I started to cry (which was fun for a while IE. cough -Its just getting so hard !) but was bad because I was having constant coughing fits, so I cryed alot. Then I discovered ifI coughed to much I vomited. Also fun.Itryed desperately to be back at school in time for my Maths test and cooking assignment, however missed both of those. That was crap.On thesaturday afternoon at the end of the week was my 14th Birthday and I was planning to have my first party in over 3 Years, however I had to cancel this because I was so sick. Which really sucked. Then, after a wonderful E3 with my laptop, it has decided to work only 1/3 times I turn it on. (also if anyone could help me with advice for my laptop that wouldbe great).
But when the magical day arrived I was well enough to go shopping for my presents. I got *Prototype, *Red Faction Guerilla, *Afro Samurai DVD (awsm) and about *5 Books.So that was good and we ended up having a nice quiet birthday celebration, even though the party was postponed. Anyway, I have a science test on thursday and will be retaking my Maths test on thursday, and on wednesday (tomorrow, im writing this on a tuesday) hopefully, if nothing goes to wrong, so fingers crossed for that. Anyway, I watched the amazing Guy Ritchies RockNRolla (Ill post a review up soon). I am really happy with red faction and prototype (although Prototype is surprisingly short), and my books are always fun. My Art and sketches is going well, despite my art lesson being cancelled for most of the year which is a shame (Im so close to finishing my masterpiece! Been working on it for around a year and a half now).
Anyway, sorry for this random and badly written post, I just thought I should update my profile for once (damn laptop). Anyway, cya. I REALLY NEED LAPTOP ADVICE, ILL POST THE PROBLEMS IF I GET ANY RESPONSES PLEASE!!!