So Gamespots Fable 2 review. I don't have any complaints about the score. It's more or less what I expected. It's a fine score. Not a deterant in anyway.
What's kind of frustrating is the lack of a mention of Co-op.
Yes, I do see down the bottom there a little note stating when they played the patch for online co-op or whatever wasn't available. Fine. I don't CARE about online Co-op.
Incase you didn't realize though there is local Co-op which I wouldn't mind hearing about.
I've heard about it from other sources, so I get the gist but I would not have minded Gamespots weigh in on things but apparently they don't care to acknowledge the local Co-op which is almost as frustrating as when developers ignore local Co-op, which has happened a lot lately.
I can understand sort of not putting splitscreen in a lot of games these days.
Probably doesn't work so well. Thats why I bought the extra 360. Because at that point it seemed a lot of developers were abandoning the idea of splitscreen in favor of online and system link. I can get behind system link.
But then at somepoint some developers seemed to abandon the idea of system link as well. Like say in Mercernaries 2. That could have benifitted from System Link. But it wasn't there. I don't see how they can get away with not having some form of local multiplayer.
I do have the internet obviously. But my connection is seldom in any condition to play without lag or atleast with minimal lag.
And the person I game most with is my little bro. I should not have to be connected to the internet to play with someone thats sitting right next to me. It's rediculous.