So I got'sa hold of this a couple of days ago.
Won't mean much to most readers, being in America and all and having the full damned game for their purchasing pleasure, but still.
It's great fun.
It'll obviously be better when the full version's available down under, which won't be for another month apparently.
I like some story to go with my slaughter, plz.
But all the same, the slaughter is of very high quality.
And the amount of Zombie's on a screen at one time just seems mind-boggling, with an almost equally mind-boggling amount of ways to dispose of these undead bastards.
It's grrrrrrrreat.
September can't come soon enough.
Will add here my disapointment that Spore's been pushed back to the second half of 07.
Pretty sure beforehand it was like.. The first half.
So yeah.
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