I played the first Fight Night game on the Xbox, it was possibly the best boxing game I've ever played.. Considering the only other boxing game I can recall with any decent amount of accuracy is Rocky Legends, this probably isn't suprising.
But Fight Night was awesome.
I wound up passing on number 2, there were just many other games coming out that commanded my attention, figured I might pick it up cheap sometime..
But forget that!
I just saw one of the Fight Night 3 gameplay for the Xbox 360 and just.. just... WOW!!!
It looks ABSOLUTELY gorgous!
I caught myself thinking that it might be just some cinematic, but some American friends fortunate to have a 360 and a demo of FN3 in their midst have aussured me it looks like that, better even.
I'm just gobsmacked!
And if the gameplay is as good as Fight Nights is well goddamn it's a must buy.
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