Howdy all. It's been a little while. I've pretty much migrated over to Giant Bomb. It's a tad more relaxed over there. And I'm very, very mellow myself. So I go where the mellow is.
Not to say I don't love spotting games, but I can't be everywhere at once. Though I do try. I watch On The Spot every week, when my crappy internet connection will allow it.
But enough about my web surfing habbits.
It's October! And theres a tonne of games coming out, some of which I've been saving up for for quite a while.
I've got Fallout 3, Fable 2 and Saints Row 2 preordered.
Fallout 3 looks great. Even if it does wind up being "Oblivion with guns" I won't whine too hard. I loved Oblivion! The Fallout series is great though so I hope it's done at least some justice.
Fable 2 looks like Fable. Which is terrific. Hopefully it's longer. The addition of Co-op helps. And local Co-op at that. Games like Mercs 2 and GTAIV sadden me with their lack of local co-op. If Splitscreens as dead a format as it's turning out to be then System Link has to be included. A complete lack of offline Co-op is just lazy.
And Saints Row 2. Last but definetely not least. In fact at the moment I'd say I was looking forward to it the most. Could be just cause it's coming out first though. System Link support helps. Co-op campaign helps. Games got a lot going for it. I loved the first Saints Row and this looks to be improving on it quite a lot in my eyes. Should be great.
There are other games coming out in the not too distant future that I'd also like to throw some money at.
Far Cry 2 looks more appealing everytime I see it. At first I had no interest but with every new preview, screenshot, gameplay footage well it just looks better.
Gears of War 2 comes out in November. Did I ever review the first one? I don't think I did. Might have to do that at some point. But another Gears! Looks like it'll be good. Pondering picking up two copies whenever I do get around to it for system linkage. I don't mind playing splitscreen but as I wound up buying that second Xbox I might as well get my moneys worth out of it.
Same with Left4Dead which looks neat.
Rock Band the first FINALLY comes out in early November.
I'll probably buy it.
I know a lot of Aussies are feeling screwed over when it comes to Rock Band and have pretty much boycotted the game. I know a lot of those will be picking up Guitar Hero 4 when it hits November. I'll only have enough moola for one of the games and Rock Bands my choice.
Guitar Hero 4 has a decent setlist and the instruments are undoubtably improved on Rock Bands. But save for a music editor which I probably wouldn't use GH4 looks much the same as RB anyway. And let me not forget Rock Bands DLC. Harmonix has been good at pushing out DLC and a great deal of it is of interest to me.
Guitar Hero 3 didn't get quite the same level of support.
Doesn't matter.
I'm sure I'll pick up GH4 sans instrument at some point in the future and enjoy both music games for whatever they offer.
Off I go for now.
Will no doubt hear from me next time I remember I have a blog here that's been woefully neglected.