And chances are, ya didn't know I was gone.
But thats okay.
We shifted house recently, and I was without internet for like, over a week until they put ISDN in here.
But we got it today and I'm back.
The new house is swell.
The best parts being the SPA, and most importantly - The Game Room!
Yessum, a room. For games.
It's also a gym, but thats not important! Games!
Four TV's. Of which I have my xbox, ps2, n64 and the good ol' NES and Sega Genesis hooked up too.
Bought new lounge chairs for the room today so it's all sweet.
Recently got The Sims 2: Open For Buisness, so will get around to writing a quick summary later.
And I'm quite excited now, the Xbox 360 is due for release in 3, so if I'm lucky I can have it this Thursday.
But knowing my luck I'll be one of those who, despite having pre-ordered - won't get it due to shortages or some hoopla.
But thats just me being overly negative, 360 here I come!
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