dimsey / Member

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I'm so excited, bananananana and I just can't hiiiiide it dadadada!

I just got around to Pre-ordering my Xbox 360 and I feel giddy!
Still 2-3 weeks to wait and it already feels like forever but I'ma getting it! Yay for me.
The game I'll first get with it however won't be anything I'm particularly interested in - I dont expect to see Fight Night 3 there for a bit and it's doubtful that we'll see Oblivion there either, curse living Down Under where we get things a few weeks late!
So.. Outta the few they had on display... Quake 4 was probably most interesting to me.. I liked the other Quake games enough..
So I'll probably be grabbing that..
Otherwise, Gun and Call of Duty 2 are backups.
But I already have Gun on the PC, I just cant run it particularly decently hence why I consider getting it on the 360 and and I'm not particularly interested in World War II shooters, too too many of them about, but it beats Tony Hawk: American Wasteland. God I hope they have more then what they had displayed cause the selection was pitiful but I dont care rawr i'ma getting it. wooo.