...to show you how much you suck.
I'd say that was right.
I've never really had problems playing by myself, or people around here. I do okay.
Get online and I have my ass handed too me pretty much all the time.
I do alright in Halo 2. I don't think I was ever dead last, but never really made it to the top. Best round I was like, third.
Perfect Dark I generally play teambased modes, so I feel confident that when I win it's more to do with that I'm paired up with some decent players then my own abilitys.
I can manage to get some kills typically. But with both of the above mentioned shooters people seem to see me long before I realize they're even there, so I have a severe disadvantage there.
Last night Fight Night 3 was returned to me, as I let my brothers borrow it around a week ago. So I gave that a go online.
I seldom make it past three rounds. Hell, one guy knocked me out in a single punch. I got up, of course.
But it put me in my place for sure.
If I were a more competitive person, this relevation would eat my innards, as is I'm just going to keep playing until I don't suck so bad. Even if it means I garner 1000 losses to my name in Fight Night before I get a single win.
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