Been a while, yet again. Lets see... Last time I updated Halo was out, or coming out. Though I was ignoring Halo and Bioshock due to my World of Warcraft addiction, which has completely subsided, though thats not willingly, mind you. I had some account problems, long story short - I lost my damned character. And I'm not particular fond of the prospect of starting over. A shame, as I had actually made a couple of friends on there that I didn't mind playing with, but such is life.
Most recent game purchases would be Naruto: Rise of a Ninja and Guitar Hero 3. You can check my review of Naruto to get my thoughts on it, as for GH3 - it's like GH2 with a different setlist. It's a good game, but the tacked on battlemode completley sucks and that they'd make you play through it 3 times throughout the career mode is intolerable. Decent enough set list and the difficulty must've been pushed up some, as medium feels like hard - at least as far as speed goes. It plays as fast, just without the fifth button - which is fine by me. I wanted more challenge. But my blasted hand refuses to obey me when it comes to pressing the orange fret. So a sped up medium is welcome.
So November. Big releases this month. Assassins Creed and Mass Effect, both of which I have reserved - ordered and am eagerly waiting on. They both look to be good games. Thus far from what I've seen Mass Effects been getting great reviews, 9's and 10's across the board - but then theres not been that many reviews. As for Assassins Creed it seems folks are split right up the middle. You've got folks giving it 7's and 8's - saying it's a good, albeit flawed game. You've got folks like Gamespot here giving it 9's and 10's - praising it on pretty much everything except the camera, which is a point I'll ignore as I don't think theres been a 3rd person game ever that has had a camera I've actually thought was perfect.
All the same, regardless of reviews both games seem right up my alley and I'm sure I'll get my moneys worth and then some out of em.