To add them to my collection on this slow connection would take too long, so I'll mention briefly here.. Yeah. I was mean't to have Broadband, but thye haven't put it on yet. I'm peeved, but meh..
Guitar Hero 2 (360) - Brother took the PS2 version soon after he moved and I likes me Guitar Hero, so when I saw this I just HAD to snatch it up.
F.E.A.R. (360) - Did I mention this already? I feel I might've. But yeah. I have F.E.A.R. and it's pretty decent, though as I gathered from playing the demo not as scary as people make it out to be.
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura (PC) - I think thats the title.. The sound on my computer died so I've been playing on Mums laptop, it's a pretty good game though sadly not without it's glitches. Only noticable one is a graphics problem that causes the screen to do weird things if I scroll up or left. Scrolling down or right is fine. This only happens after a little while of playing, though and can generally be fixed for a time by restarting the game, but it's still pretty damn annoying, especially in the middle of a fight. But I like the game. I like the character creation. I like the dialogue. I like the steampunk/fantasy setting. It's fantastic.