I'm annoyed.
I've just about finished the main quest in Oblivion for the second time, with my woodelf char, but I cant.
I did previously with another, but I cant do it now.
I generally get as far as the part where Martin says its too late blahblahblah and then not long after that he dies.
I even got desperate enough to turn the difficulty ALLLL the way down and he'll still die.
I also just read a preview for Bioshock in.. Gamepro mag or something of the sort.
It looked interesting beforehand but I didn't delve to deep into it, they had a four page preview on it here - I read it.. And it sounds pretty damn cool.
A must have, for certain.
Speaking of must haves, hopefully on the weekend I'll be getting Crackdown. Should be a blast, and hopefully my cruddy ISDN connection will be enough to play soem co-op adequetly. Least til next month when I'll hopefully have dsl.
I'd also really like to get The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on teh Wii.
I've still yet to get another wii controller due to lack of nunchucks availble, but if we had this I could ignore that need for a good long while.
Also I'd like Supreme Commander, but my PC wont play it - i bet. Which is a shame. I loved Total Annihilation.
It's a shame most I know overlook it for say, Starcraft - cause TA in my oppinion blows that out of the water.
Perhaps a PC overhaul will be in the cards later in the year
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