It's been a while coming, infact it's two days later then the maximum date they cited in their contract..
And two weeks later then they actually said they'd have it done. But I finally have ADSL.
And I tell you, theres no way I'd go back to dialup willingly.
I'm currently downloading the shadowbane installer. Which is around 891mb.
It'll be done in two hours. I know, to most in this day and age it probably isn't a great shock.
But for someone whose been with dial-up for oh so long, it's just.. Just impressive.
Normally I'd have had to have left my computer on for a little over a day to get that.
Now I'll have it in two hours. Just. Wow.
I've been watching Youtube videos.
I can do that now.
Most forums I visit have people constantly posting them and beforehand I could never watch them cause they would just take forever to load.
Now I don't have a problem with streaming them. At all. No buffering.
No having to pause to wait for it to catch up.
Just plays as if it were straight from my computer. It's HEAVENLY.
Still have yet to set up the 360 with the net though, but I think my older bro wants to do it or something.
So it'll wait. Looking forward to playing online though. I mean. I could play most games before.
Gears not a problem, Call of Duty okay, Saints Row fine.
But Smackdown vs Raw, Fight Night and DOA4 were laggy as hell.
Completely unplayable. Should be able to do them now.
Also been playing Second Life.
I got a better taste of it while I was staying at my older bros whilst Mum was in hospital and I liked it enough. I'm not an especially social person, but I still find some enjoyment in exploring places people have created, hanging out and drinking virtual beer. Heh.
Speaking of MMOs I'm looking to get into one. Hence the download of Shadowbane.
It's free, so why not?
Roma Victor (Google it) I'm also interested in.
It's apparently not the best optimized game in the world, it hasn't the best userbase.
But the people there seem dedicated enough and I like the idea.
I also wanna play more commercial mmorpgs.
I've seen Star Wars galaxies gamecards at the store, surprisingly. So I may go that way.
But I liked the sound of the game better before all cu or nge stuff.
Also interested in WoW. It sounds simple to get into, but in the long run I'm not sure it's for me.
Everquest 2 I'm looking at but I doubt I could run it. Same goes for Lord of The Rings online or whatever they call it now.
PC definitely needs to be upgraded now that I actually have a connection I can play with.
Anyway, gonna head off and grab some food while Shadowbane downloads.
If anyone plays give me a buzz. I'm generally not especially socialable but if I'm gonna play MMOs and I do want too it couldn't hurt to develop some people skills, lol.