dinofan01 / Member

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Wii to DS Connectivity

We all know the Wii can connect to the DS. We saw it in Pokemon Battle Revolution. It wa very weak to say the least. I expected to control the whole game on the DS rather than having a giant-ugly menu while you play but thats another topic. I want to see some good connectivity. I just got the newest Virtual Console game Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels when it hit me. Why cant we play virtual console games on the go. Nintendo should just sell a $30 game cartridge that can save one or two virtual console games on the cartridge. This would be perfect. I would buyt so many more virtual console games if i could play them where ever I want. The DS can download files. You would now that if you go to your local gamespot or something and dowloaded a demo. Why cant we save it to the DS? Why I ask..why?