@edward_footlong: Witcher III Got a 10 out of 10 because of marketing and fan boy bandwagon base. Nothing more... It was so full of bugs and glitches at launch that I feel it should have only received about a 6 or 7 out of 10. This game looks and plays so much better that even after only having played for about 30 minutes, I can tell it deserves the review of 9/10. I can't wait to see where it takes me.
@razecah12: Not salty at all. Gamestop took the game back, no issues. So I ended up not feeling like I wasted 60 bucks. I think it's great that when I read a shit review boasting 10/10 for a game and find out that it sucks and probably only deserved a 6/10 I can just take it back no questions asked and get something I'll actually enjoy.
That being said, If other players want to be brainwashed by the masses into thinking a game flawed by frame rate issues, crashes, and bugs is actually deserving of a 10/10 review (I think it's called Bandwagon Gaming) then it's no skin off my back. I won't waste my time playing it till it hits the bargain bin at Gamestop. When I think of a 10/10 game, I expect a pristine product that isn't being patched multiple times after launch to fix all the crap issues it's having.
It's awesome to see Darksiders II re-issue make it at least once here. By far one of my favorite games, and though it's a re-issue it's just as fun as the first time I went through it. Rocket League is an amazing game, and it's great to see other small games like Axiom Verge make the list. I have yet to play some of the larger games listed with the exception of the Witcher III and I wasn't impressed by it in the least. It was riddled with bugs and crashes and I fail to see how it maintains the 10/10 review that it got after launch.
Rocket League is awesome, it's nice to see something small make the list. In it's small package though it's a massively entertaining game. The Witcher III however could have been left off the list. I'm looking forward to trying Bloodborne and Fallout 4.
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