Dude ya can easily get a ditto via Wondertrade. it might take a few trys but their out there. That's how I got mine.
divinelegend's forum posts
yea im missing the Sony emblem and i know i watched that one... i was streaming it here and on my PS3... got a better stream here.
yea... timing is the big thing.. i always wait till it bites on the 3rd (common) or 4th nibble before i hit the button. i tend to catch them better then. i've had a hard time when they bit on the first nubble tho i have caught one 1 or 2 like that. havinga itchy trigger finger helps :P
i turn 30 this year (man i had to count.... last time i checked was HighSchool XD) and i still play pokemon. I own all of them and still play all of them. I even own enough of the systems that i can play each on all at the same time w/o swapping carts. Even tho i have reseted most of the older ones I still have my lvl 100 Charazard from red version on Gameboy.... hes still sitting on my copy of diamond. Havent messed w/ trades between D/P/Pt and B/W yet. Too lazy :P
well atleast he wont run outa room if he records alot of 3D vids ^^
now if there was only a way to get the DSi software to use the SD card aswell to acctually play from :P
I'm the only one who has played this game?
I can train mounts, research spells, everything but craft runes... SOMEONE has to know my issue...
You need 3 rune types (Base/Modifier/Power) to make gear and to get the ok to light up.. you cant rly craft runes. You can only get runes from fighting a rune guardian and those are at random points on the map. You cant see them unless you bring up the menu where your standing.
Lvl 31 Druid and 7 Mage (i play on occasion now.... not as much as i used tho)
Hmm.. games that were on gamecube for the 3DS.. i would have to say the Prime series... they showed w/ Zelda when they ported the 64 Edition over it can handle the looking around w/ the gyro. Not much else rly i can come up w/ that ive played on GC... spent more time using the GBPlayer atachment or playing Crystal Chronicals :P
Max size is 32GB. I recently upgraded from my 2GB card to a 32GB card, all I did was copy and paste my SD card data on my laptop and drag it into my 32GB card. I believe some game data is on the system, while some is on the SD card - though, I'm not entirely sure.Haziqonfire
http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/3ds/en_na/ht_settings.jsp?menu=data%20management&submenu=ctr-ht-settings-tranfer-data-to-sd <-- points to the options.. must select the SD to SD on the left to get those steps.
According to Nintendo's steps it should copy everything over just how he explained it. I can see probly the main system settings not copying over (IE: Network Settings) but all data should copy over. Unless your transfering between 3DS's while upgrading to a larger card there shouldn't be any issue.
It is nice to know that the largest SG card that will work is 32gb tho. im still useing the 2gb one the system came with.
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