as everyone can now attest, sonic and the black knight for the wii is a piece of crap. its a poorly made game which like most sonic games as of late, just tries to capitalize on both the character and the general stupidity of people.
Though the one person who isnt aware of this games awfulness is of course dave halverson, the owner of play magazine. In previous a post ive written how i realized that mr. halverson seems to have an obvious slant towards sega and especially sonic and Plays most recent issue helps prove my point exponentially.
Not only does halverson himself review sonic games at this point, but they always go one about the greatness of sonic games that any gaming novice would describe as a low point in the characters catalog.
Ive yet to deduce the reason why. Is mr. halverson is being paid by sega? or maybe a guy in a sonic costume saved him at the community pool as a kid? i dont know, all i know for a fact at this point is that mr halverson is for sonic, what fox news is for political conservatives. a blind, die hard, ask no questions soldier that ignores the truth in favor of, well, outright lies basically.
One thing i am becoming more certain about concerns plays "rating" system. Which is to say, their non rating system. Play magazine decided some months ago to forgo actual scores for their reviews. The general buzz was that they were doing it just to be different, but at this point ive come to a different conclusion. I believe mr halverson did away with traditional reviews so he himself, and his magazine couldnt be directly accused of hyping sonic or sega games as easily being that the reviews were so obviously slanted.
Well to mr halverson i say, easy or no, its still quite obvious.