i dont mean to say that video game reviewers or vg journalism editors and writers are ALL snobs when it comes to fighting games but consistently ive read multiple articles from multiple gaming sites that have an aversion to fighting games. When thinking about this i realized that very large and expansive games always get the most praise. i.e. farcry, GOW 2, oblivion, fable 2, fallout 3, gta 4 etc. Now these are great games, but it seems people whos job it is to objectively tell us about a game, seem to have been spoiled by games that give them just sooo much to do and because of this, they seem to forget that a fighting game is quite different and though might not give them the same 80 plus hours of gameplay, it could still rack up with the best.
Its like fighting games are treated as a stupid cousin, not worthy of sharing the stage when votes are cast for best game of the year. I cant remember the last time a fighting game was in contention for ANY list of game of the year. Is it because the genre is stale or is it because as technology progresses, people who "judge" the industry seem to expect more in places they shouldnt.
When i first saw the almost arms length coverage of MK vs DC, after the initial excitement, and when kotaku posted a vide of all the characters fatalitys, as if to say, dont bother even playing it. Then how SSBB was practically mockedby many as something only for nintendo nerds. and of course. constant jokes about final fight.
street fighter 4 seems to be receiving a fair amount of excitement because of its new design but i will be incredibly skeptical of anything written about it after it comes out as it seems that ppl in video game journalism cant be trusted to not hold their nose up at fighting games.