djangosmom2's forum posts
I played the first Atelier Iris and thought it was a great game. I'm playing 2 now because I've been defeated by 3. I can't get through the dungeons in the time they give you. Done it over and over again, I just can't move that fast! I get lost and have to backtrack and there goes the time. This feature sucks really bad. Why can't developers just leave well enough alone? Anyone know of a cheat to disable the timer? I checked the cheat web sites and found nothing. If there's no cheat can I have some advice on getting through by the clock?
Thanks in advance.
Not at all. I have about 5 Playstation2 games I've yet to play and I'm excited about getting in to them. And I'm also waiting for Okami. Maybe you should try a new genre to kick things up a bit. Like other posters have said, there are so many classic games that are only a couple of years old to try. Final Fantasy XII is also coming out in October and I don't expect any housework will get done once I get ahold of that. Playstation 2 will hang on for quite a long time in my opinion.
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