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Announcement of PlayStation 3 affects the Nintendo, says creator of Mario

The British periodical Guardian Unlimited interviewed Shigeru Miyamoto, the well-known game to designer responsible for the creation of Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and other surmountings of weight of the Nintendo.  The interviewer asks to the Miyamoto which its impression on the decreases vendas of games during 2005, and if the problem is in gamers apáticos with sequences and games "more of exactly".  Miyamoto answers:  "it is not as if the people were if tiring of the videogames in itself, but the problem that the industry faces is that it is creating similar headings to others.  Owners of platforms costumam to say that we have this great number of available games, but what really he matters it is the variety of these.  Customers more are interested in variety and quality of that only amount. 

Many creators of games listen asked for of existing players who simply want turbinadas versions of games that already exist.  Moreover, shareholders can be worried on financing games that are different for finding them very risky.  Many of the creators had lost the ability to create something new.  But in the Nintendo, we are only while we create the hardware new and innovative.  You always do not need a great budget.  He sees ' Brain Training ', that it was a great success and did not cost very to create.  One of my objectives is to leave the creators of games to know that they do not have to feel themselves oppressed by the budget. 

 If you have a good idea, us you have the money ", you said the creator.  On the recent event on the plans of Sony for PlayStation 3, Miyamoto said:  "any announcement on the PS3 will affect the Nintendo.  But we do not see this as competition between two consoles, despite the customers always finding this.  He only depends on that expectations the people have of the PS3 and the Revolution.  Sony delayed a great time to create its machine, but he is obvious that the direction where we [ Nintendo ] are taking is different of the PS3 ".

It reads the interview in the complete one in the site of the Guardian Unlimited.


Net online of PlayStation 3 promises to multiplayer online free

Sony Computer Entertainment announced in the PlayStation Business Briefing 2006, carried through yesterday (15), that online will have a net that will enter in operation when to leave its console new generation, PlayStation 3, promised for the beginning of November.  Call of PlayStation Network Platform, the net online will be gratuitous for the basic service.  But, in contrast of the signature without costs of the Xbox Live, called Silver, the service of Sony will allow exactly broken online in this simpler modality.  Moreover, the net will have, the example of the community and communication competitor, applicatory.  The system of Sony foresees chat of voice, of video, messages in text, only identification for user and meeting of adversaries for departures online.  Also ranking will have one world-wide and will allow to go up and to lower content for games. 

 The PlayStation Network Platform will give to freedom producing them to manage its servers.  Of course, Sony will create an infrastructure with center of data in Asia, North America and Europe, but the open InterNet could be used to operate serving proper.  This opens the possibility of the producers to develop massivos games online and to charge signatures to the part.  Executives of companies as the Blizzard, of "World of Warcraft", and, of "Guild Wars", complains that the Xbox business-oriented Live is very closed and this confuses the model of the desenvolvedoras of massivos games online.  But Sony pressures the manufacturers to generate income with venda of content and not charging for the signature. 

Besides inside possessing a species of virtual store of the system of the Network Platform, it will also have domestic markets inside of the games.  Both the spaces will be integrated.  The points for the paid contents will be able acquired for credit card or buying cards, that it comes with codes that give right to the virtual currency.  It is speculated on that, as well as the Virtual system Console of the Revolution, the market of the Network Platform will venderá games legacies, in the case, for PSOne and PlayStation 2.  according to Sony, the PS3 will be total compatible with the old headings.  A similar system is being planned for the PSP, that will function with emulator and digital distribution of games for PSOne. 

 To implement very of the resources of the net online a device of robust storage is necessary, as a record-rigid one.  Sony says that the PS3 will have one of 60GB, at the very least, but still it did not confirm if the accessory will come of plant.  The corporation also wants to transform the console into a media center, that catches and distributes content as music and video.  Sony can, for example, local incorporate the functions of a Free Location Server, that stores and distributes content for devices as the PSP, either or for the InterNet.  More details of the net online of PlayStation 3 will have to appear in the next months, international events as the GDC and the E3.

God of War II: Divine Retribution

God of War II:  Divine Retribution PlayStation the 2 "fights promise to be still more intense with the new sequences of blows, still more fluid..."

One of the consecrated games more of 2005 goes to gain a continuation for PlayStation 2.  Again the impious Kratos warrior has left in an day against deuses of the Olimpo.  Pparently, the new object of its revenge is the three Sisters of the Destination, capable to command the god even though supreme Zeus.  The tormented protagonist reached immortality, but still she does not obtain to get rid itself of the ghosts of the past.  The solution, in its vision, would be to make right the accounts with who conducts the proper time.  For this, it is made use to go, literally, until the end of the world, where the temple of the destination is located. 

The basic system of game will be basically the same, mixing explorations in huge environments of old Greece and the furious combats against mythical monsters, as ciclopes, giants whose characteristic is the giant eye, and Cérbero, the dog of three heads that keeps the vestibule for the hell.  The fights promise to be still more intense with the new sequences of blows, still more fluid, and the possibility to inside include secondary and magias weapons of one "combo".  according to producing, the blows promise to be uninterrupted, allowing to make chains of still bigger attacks, are in the soil or air.  Now, instead of having two main weapons, Kratos it possesss the two indefectible imprisoned blades to its body with chains as primary option and extra weapons, that can be set in motion with a button touch, or either, in the act.  This must more than facilitate the combos made with a weapon, that was complicated in the first "God of War".  The magias also are in return, but also they are incased in the philosophy to be more dynamic and if to incase in an offensive sequence.  Each one of these powers the holy ghosts will be able to evolve in up to two levels, even though changing its characteristics. 

The wind harpoon, for example, if transforms into a Tornado in its stronger versions.  The scenes of platforms also will be strengthened, mainly in the vertical line.  Now, Kratos will have the power to glide for a short period, using the wax wings of Ícaro.  Moreover, the espartano warrior will be able to use its chains to arrest itself in specific places.  Of course, this ability also will be used durantes the combats.  The habitual brutality will be kept.  Again, the belicoso personage will parade its armory of carnage, dilacerando the enemies in some ways.  Against ciclope, for example, Kratos pulls out its eye, puts in its mouth and brandishes an smashing kick in its chin.  These fatal blows functioned as a minigame in the passed edition, but now they will be necessary specific actions to enter in the finishing way.  The formidable heads also are in return, now in bigger number.  Again, it will be necessary to use the sensible environment and some attacks to the context to finish with the giant creatures.  E who saw the first "God of War" knows that they are great same.  Other elements, some controversial ones, as the sex scenes, will be able to come back, since that they are incased to the context and the plot.  The voluminous extras also will have to be recorded in the DVD, that it intends to all count the process of creation of the game.  "God of War II:  Divine Retribution "is an exclusive game for PlayStation 2.

PlayStation 3 will be launched world-wide in the beginning of November

Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) carried through (15) the PlayStation Business today Briefing 2006, a presentation directed toward desenvolvedores of games and partners of the industry of videogames, and confirmed that the launching PlayStation 3 will be delayed, as notified for the Japanese periodical Nihon Keizai.  Now, the console of new generation of Sony will be launched in the beginning of November, simultaneously in the main regions of the world. 

 The accurate date and the price had not been divulged, neither a demonstration in a real or similar machine.  The president of the SCE, Ken Kutaragi, said that the reason if must to the delay in the definition of the format of the Blu-Ray media, as the protection anticopy and of copyrights, beyond technologies that could be viable in the future.  For the initial planning, the standards would be ready in passed August, but in the March end it will only have to be all definite one.  Thus, PlayStation 3 will have to appear in U.S.A., Canada, Europe, Asia and Japan in the beginning of November. 

Similar to the model of launching of Xbox 360, will have a small interval of time between the regions, but, in U.S.A., it will have to appear before the Day of Action of Favours, that will be carried through in 23 of November and is a traditionally very strong date for the commerce.  The console of new generation of the Microsoft arrived in 22 of November passed in U.S.A., 2 of December of the Europe and in 10 of December in Japan.  Sony will have to use the extra time to improve others facetas of the console.  The audio video and exit HDMI, used in the TVs modern, will be of last generation (version 1.3), with support for Full HD, or either, resolution of 1080 not-interlaced lines (1080P), and Full Color (48 bits), that it will cover an ample specter of colors. 

Of course, TVs conventional and monitorial of computers also will be total compatible with the videogame.  Doubts pairaram in that it says respect to the record-rigid one of PlayStation 3.  Kutaragi said that it is developing the record-rigid hardware "having as the prerequisite one" and that the producers must create the games in the same way.  However, the executive did not affirm categoricamente that the PS3 will come with the plant accessory, whose basic model will be of 60GB.  "We want to prevent that models with and without hard-disk coexist", the president said. 

The storage device will have capacity to twirl programs that initiate an operational system - boot in the language technique -, as the Linux.  The company also said of the service online of the console, that will be developed in set with Sony Online Entertainment, author of "EverQuest", for example.  The service will have together beginning with the launching of PlayStation 3, that it will use the open InterNet and it will have applicatory of communication as the lobby and chat of voice.  "service basic" will be gratuitous, but Sony not confirmed will have signature paid, as it happens in the Xbox Live, that also has a version without costs, called Silver.  During the presentation, Sony said that PlayStation 3 will be "total compatible" with games of 2 PlayStation and PSOne and that these games will twirl in high resolution in the new machine.  But, as well as it happens with Xbox 360, the textures will remain in the original resolution, with effect that minimize the few details. 

 The company made the same declaration when it presented PlayStation 2, but some headings legacies had not functioned, to less at the time.  All the games of PlayStation 3 will have to be in Blu-Ray media to prevent the piracy.  Moreover, Kutaragi tranquilized the desenvolvedores saying that it has capacity to produce ten record million for month and that the costs of the media are not so high.  It said that the records of new generation are a necessity of the market and has potential to establish itself in the market.  He seems confident that, with the PS3, the Blu-Ray he will win the Hd-dvd in the fight to be the successor of the current DVD.  Sony announced the producers that the applicatory ones of development had gained specifications final and kits will have to be available from June.  The package has tools and solutions of software of fifteen companies, as the "Unreal Engine 3" of the Epic Games. 

The production of the console, according to data supplied in the event, will be of a million of PlayStation 3 monthly and that in the end of March of 2007 it will have six million available units.  In the case of the launching of Xbox 360, the Microsoft did not obtain to follow the search, and so far, almost four months later, assume that about two million units they are in the market.  Finally, Kutaragi spoke on the concepts of PlayStation 3, but it affirmed of beforehand that they are utopian.  It said that the games now will be in "4D", or either, beyond representing the space, also they will be able to portray the time. 

Valley to remember that the engineer said, to the time, who the first PlayStation would have "to be able" of similar the work stations and that the processor of PlayStation 2, the Emotion Engine, would be capable to represent the emotions.  "I am anxious to see a new type of game", finished the executive.

PlayStation 3 is shown in Asian fair

Of 24 the 27 of December, Homg Kong was headquarters of the fourth edition of the AGSDE (Asia Game Show and Digital Entertainment), a species of "Asian E3".  It would be plus a fair of games and common technology was not the fact of Sony to have used to advantage the occasion pair to show PlayStation 3. 

Of any form, nothing of new it was presented, beyond some trailers of games and design of the console of next generation and the control - that, for signal, they continue the same ones.  In January, it will be the time of CES 2006 (Consumer Electronic Show), in the United States and, yes the expectation is there of that Sony shows new details on PlayStation 3.

Nintendo reaffirms that Revolution will have different price of competitors

During the event "Touch!  Generations ", the president of the Nintendo, Satoru Iwata, affirmed that the Revolution will have a band of different price of the competitors 360 Xbox and PlayStation 3, giving to understand that the console of next generation to the creator of Mario will be cheaper.  It is not the first time that the company makes such affirmation.  Xbox 360 costs 299 USS or USS 399, in the United States, in accordance with the package, and assumes that PlayStation 3 has a value next or a little bigger that the videogame to the Microsoft.  According to speculations, the Revolution could be vendido by less of USS 200, being able to arrive at the band of USS 150. 

The appositive Nintendo in the innovation of the Revolution, whose control captures movements and inclination through sensors.  With this strategy of original interfaces, Nintendo DS conquered the users, becoming the videogame that faster reached the mark of five million units, in about 13 months.  The Revolution will be disclosed in details in the E3 of 2006 and the same has forecast of launching for year

Association suggests control of content for PlayStation 3

ESA (Entertainment Software Association), association that represents diverse companies of games in the United States and, amongst other activities, organizes the fair of games E3, suggested that Sony implements controls of content in its console of next generation, PlayStation 3, in one same standard already used by the videogames of Microsoft and Nintendo. 

Doug Lowenstein, president of the ESA, recommended the console manufacturer Big 3 for, voluntariamente, implementing the technology of control of content in consoles.  For the time being, Sony did not comment or answered the suggestion of the ESA.

More of the half of the North Americans they will wait for the PS3

The appraised Nielsen agency carried through a research with more than 2,000 resident players in the United States to know its opinions on the next generation, that if it initiated in this tuesday (23) with the launching of Xbox 360. 

More than 50% of the interviewed people had said that they go to wait for the launching of PlayStation 3 before taking its decision, possibly to compare the potential of both the systems, price, availability of games etc.  In peculiar way, some players who currently are owners of a PlayStation 2 had shown more interest in Xbox 360 of the Microsoft of whom in its natural successor, PlayStation 3.  Valley to stand out that the Nielsen agency did not include the Revolution in its research.

Microsoft speaks on defective units of Xbox 360

The Microsoft answered to the declarations of that some units of Xbox 360 were presenting problems, justifying to be about isolated cases and that this type of event is inevitable after a launching of this nature.  Soon after the official launching of Xbox 360, in 22 of November, had started to appear in fóruns claims of purchasers, saying that the videogame was presenting problems in the hour to load or to play, on to the overheating, for example.  "We receive some stories and isolated calls from consoles that were not functioning in agreement the waited one. 

The average of calls still is below of that we could wait in if treating to the launching of an electronic product of this complexity ", said Molly O'Donnell, of the Microsoft, to the site Gamespot.  Problems of this type, in fact, are not rare to happen in console launchings.  It is enough to cite dead examples as pixels of the portable PSP and errors of record reading of PlayStation 2.

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