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Announcement of PlayStation 3 affects the Nintendo, says creator of Mario

The British periodical Guardian Unlimited interviewed Shigeru Miyamoto, the well-known game to designer responsible for the creation of Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and other surmountings of weight of the Nintendo.  The interviewer asks to the Miyamoto which its impression on the decreases vendas of games during 2005, and if the problem is in gamers apáticos with sequences and games "more of exactly".  Miyamoto answers:  "it is not as if the people were if tiring of the videogames in itself, but the problem that the industry faces is that it is creating similar headings to others.  Owners of platforms costumam to say that we have this great number of available games, but what really he matters it is the variety of these.  Customers more are interested in variety and quality of that only amount. 

Many creators of games listen asked for of existing players who simply want turbinadas versions of games that already exist.  Moreover, shareholders can be worried on financing games that are different for finding them very risky.  Many of the creators had lost the ability to create something new.  But in the Nintendo, we are only while we create the hardware new and innovative.  You always do not need a great budget.  He sees ' Brain Training ', that it was a great success and did not cost very to create.  One of my objectives is to leave the creators of games to know that they do not have to feel themselves oppressed by the budget. 

 If you have a good idea, us you have the money ", you said the creator.  On the recent event on the plans of Sony for PlayStation 3, Miyamoto said:  "any announcement on the PS3 will affect the Nintendo.  But we do not see this as competition between two consoles, despite the customers always finding this.  He only depends on that expectations the people have of the PS3 and the Revolution.  Sony delayed a great time to create its machine, but he is obvious that the direction where we [ Nintendo ] are taking is different of the PS3 ".

It reads the interview in the complete one in the site of the Guardian Unlimited.
