God of War II: Divine Retribution PlayStation the 2 "fights promise to be still more intense with the new sequences of blows, still more fluid..."
One of the consecrated games more of 2005 goes to gain a continuation for PlayStation 2. Again the impious Kratos warrior has left in an day against deuses of the Olimpo. Pparently, the new object of its revenge is the three Sisters of the Destination, capable to command the god even though supreme Zeus. The tormented protagonist reached immortality, but still she does not obtain to get rid itself of the ghosts of the past. The solution, in its vision, would be to make right the accounts with who conducts the proper time. For this, it is made use to go, literally, until the end of the world, where the temple of the destination is located.
The basic system of game will be basically the same, mixing explorations in huge environments of old Greece and the furious combats against mythical monsters, as ciclopes, giants whose characteristic is the giant eye, and Cérbero, the dog of three heads that keeps the vestibule for the hell. The fights promise to be still more intense with the new sequences of blows, still more fluid, and the possibility to inside include secondary and magias weapons of one "combo". according to producing, the blows promise to be uninterrupted, allowing to make chains of still bigger attacks, are in the soil or air. Now, instead of having two main weapons, Kratos it possesss the two indefectible imprisoned blades to its body with chains as primary option and extra weapons, that can be set in motion with a button touch, or either, in the act. This must more than facilitate the combos made with a weapon, that was complicated in the first "God of War". The magias also are in return, but also they are incased in the philosophy to be more dynamic and if to incase in an offensive sequence. Each one of these powers the holy ghosts will be able to evolve in up to two levels, even though changing its characteristics.
The wind harpoon, for example, if transforms into a Tornado in its stronger versions. The scenes of platforms also will be strengthened, mainly in the vertical line. Now, Kratos will have the power to glide for a short period, using the wax wings of Ícaro. Moreover, the espartano warrior will be able to use its chains to arrest itself in specific places. Of course, this ability also will be used durantes the combats. The habitual brutality will be kept. Again, the belicoso personage will parade its armory of carnage, dilacerando the enemies in some ways. Against ciclope, for example, Kratos pulls out its eye, puts in its mouth and brandishes an smashing kick in its chin. These fatal blows functioned as a minigame in the passed edition, but now they will be necessary specific actions to enter in the finishing way. The formidable heads also are in return, now in bigger number. Again, it will be necessary to use the sensible environment and some attacks to the context to finish with the giant creatures. E who saw the first "God of War" knows that they are great same. Other elements, some controversial ones, as the sex scenes, will be able to come back, since that they are incased to the context and the plot. The voluminous extras also will have to be recorded in the DVD, that it intends to all count the process of creation of the game. "God of War II: Divine Retribution "is an exclusive game for PlayStation 2.