-Visually it looks like other Hero Engine MMOs like RIFT and SWTOR
-The general art style is kind of like RIFT or Everquest 2
-There most likely won't be dragons
-There will be no player housing
-The combat model will not be real time
-You can't be a werewolf or vampire*
A few things I picked from a huge list.
*After listening to this interview... I guess that they will be adding events/instanced dungeons or maybe quests that will allow you to become a werewolf or a vampire, for a while that is.Kinda lame.
EA & Bioware can go to hell for all i care, hate their marketing and attitude in general.Will simply not buy any of their games ever again, and i didn't hate DA2 because i wanted more of the same, it was just another 'consolized' game with 'lazy/rushed' written all over it.
djiin's comments