djiin's's Gamespot Rank

Level: 7 (86%)
Rank: Sectoid
Points: 47886

djiin's Emblems

  • Pushover

    If only everything in life were this easy. This individual is extremely generous when it comes to evaluating games. Each new game is "definitely the best game I've ever played!", judging by the very high review scores being doled out here. Speculate all you want, but we both know you're just jealous.

  • Readers' Choice 2009 Chooser

    Participant in 2009 Readers' Choice Awards. "Sure, that game is good... FOR BABIES!" "That game sucks! It doesn't even have online capture the flag!" "Barbie Horse Adventure: Riding Camp just lost so much of the magic that made Barbie Horse Adventure great." And so on. These intrepid readers braved the chaos of the Readers' Choice process and let their opinions be heard above the cacophony of argumentative commenters. Congratulations, voters!

  • Sync

    Users with this emblem are totally in Sync with GameSpot.

  • E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 3

    Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day three of E3.

  • E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 4

    Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day four of E3.