I am not 100% sure on whether I've got the facts right, got them in the right ordr or missed some out so bear that in mind but I do know an awful lot... Surprisingly the story starts with Der Riese (which is 'The Giant' in English) a teleportation project is going on. They test the teleporters on humans and dogs but they didn't appear where they were supposed to and were dead on the other end. I'll explain how they changed later but some scientists at Der Riese got their hands on some zombies to test on. The scientists in Der Riese including Doctor Maxwell and Richtofen were trying to see what had happened and how they affected the zombies. At the time Richtofen was developing the Wunderwaffe DG-2,the random weapon box and the monkey bomb. Maxwell was testing the zombies behaviour, all tests failed. Maxwell had a daughter called Samantha. She was playing with her teddy when a test zombie infected her. She fell back and knocked over radioactive material killing her. She came back as a kind of ghost zombie with two forms. One is the innocent girl (giggles when you spin her teddy in the random box where she moves it to another location) or as her zombie form (the voice that comes up when you get droppables from zombies eg. 'insta-kill, double-points etc). The wunderwaffe runs on a very dangerous much sought after element called element 115 - I don't know who made the pack-a-punch probably Richtofen as well. In real life a meteorite fell to Earth and broke off into pieces, the pieces fell to Earth. People believed it brought the dead to life. Energy from the meteorites interfered with the teleporters at Der Riese and re-directed them. One meteorite all the humans went to and one all the dogs. The human one was about a mile away from Nacht Der Untoten, the dogs went to the meteorite just outside Shi No Numa. The dogs could teleport at will the humans would only go every mont or so to an area of unusual electric activity (all the power from Verruckt and Der Riese and the other meteorite at Shi No Numa. In Nacht Der Untoten 5 Americans are in a plane crash, it wasn't to bad and everyone survived. The pilot tried to repair the ship while the other four explored a neary bunker. The pilot dies as you see in the cut-scene before the game by the zombies. After fighting hordes of zombies they escape and warn the American government who join forces with the Germans to stop the zombies. Verruckt is where the research at Der Riese moves to minus the teleporters. Richtofen finishes making the Wunderwaffe and decides to take it with him when he is transferred to Shi NoNuma to continue researching. Back at Verruckt zombies break out killing everyone working there including Dr Maxwell. Only one scientist, an American called Peter, escapes with his life. A short while later four expert soldiers are sent to deal with the zombies but American intelligence mis-judged how bad it was and eventually they all die. Peter is sent to Shi No Numa to assist Richtofen but he goes crazy and commits suicide, Peter is the hanging body in the spawn room. If you look at it you may be wondering why he is missing an arm that's because it's stuck to the power switch on Verruckt. Three more super elite soldiers are sent in to Shi No Numa, Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo. The co-ordinates on the Easter egg are first to Area 51, the probable location of Nazi Zombies in the final Map Pack. The second is where the meteorite broke upin space before the frgments landed on Earth. The four are then sent to Der Riese where a lot has changed. 1. it is deserted 2. there is a pack-a-punch machine and three the teleports actually work. You are sent in as a specialist recon to find how to use the pack-a-punch, check out the teleports and find whether there is any information on getting to some element - 115 which is running low at the moment.
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I live on the moon I hate noobs on xbox live If you have the winey little voice on xbox live i'll cut your throat with a butterknife KK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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