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djnesh21 Blog

Long Time No Blog

Hey guys its been a long time since i last made a blog and im kinda bored the now so i thought i would make one just to let you guys know what i'm doing the now.

Well today my xbox 360 got picked up to be took back to microsoft for repairs which cost me £50 it has been breaking my games all the time i have had to buy 5 copies of gow but microsoft said they would supply me with a new disc for £10 so that is not so bad. The woman on the help line (couldnt understand a word of english) said that it would be 25 working days tops before i get my 360 back i was like that isint that bad but then the guy in the truck said people have been waiting 8 weeks for them to come back and stuff which has got me rather worried but hopefully it comes back soon
Well im on the topic of 360 the last Gow tourney Gamespot had the team that was in the final TeamDbd have made me a member of there clan now that had me playing 360 all the time but now im gonna have to miss out on a lot of practice. Mmmmm i also bought sonic on the arcade got like 1 more achievement which i will get easy just to beat the game in under 40 mins.
Moving on to the Wii well there isint much to say i havnt been playing it much i think i have 10 games for it now last 1 i bought was resident evil 4 wii edition which was good finihsed the game !00% in a day just went back and played that a few times and just been going on the shop channel now and then and getting a few games i have about 16 VC games now last 1 i got was Paper Mario N64 which has been very good i must say yeh but apart form that and resident evil havent been doing much with the wii im just w8ing for more online play i think i have played mario strikers to death now
Also i am starting to wasnt a ps3 quite bad and my local game shop are selling the 60 GB pack with 3 games and a extra controller for £425 whichis good but i just dont have the cash i will proberly get 1 soon hopefully by that time the price has been cut down a lot

Well guys i think this is about it im justing waiting 7 days for my exam results in so wish me goodluck ( i feel like i gamed too much and have failed i will have to make up for it in this last year at school) ok anyway that si the end of this blog

Just A Blog ....

I have no really good news or anything special i wanted to share i just thought i would tell you guys what i have been doing lately ( e.g buying games etc etc etc ) 
     Ok so i got my classic controller the wait is now over :D i went in shops just about every day after launch and couldn't get it went online put in a preorder for next stock to come through and in 2 days i got it. I aslo bought some Wii points to spend i have no bought 6000 worth and i am left with 2900. this is a short list of what i have bought so far :
. Golden Axe- Sega Mega Drive
. The legend Of Zelda- NES
. Donkey kong- NES
. Super Castlevania- SNES
.Super Mario Bros- NES

     Any moving on to some of todays events in went and got my self Far Cry Vengance for my wii. I can say i am happy with it the graphics dont make me unhappy with it in anyway once you get used to its controlls ( they are great) you can really have a lot of fun with it. Sadly only 2 players in the multi player mode which i can understand why they did this, imagine u have a tiny box tv split into 4 mini screens and you trying to aim at your own small part of the screen it would be annoying and pointless.

    I put some custom firmware on my PSP also today Dark Alex 3.03 so i can now play psx games on it woo hoo so far i have put crash bandicoot 3 on and final fantasy 6 and Croc it took me back to my child hood a little :).

     Any Way I hope you all enjoyed my little blog and remember Gamespot have something against Wii they all love xbox 360 ..... cause most of them are fat lol no affence to the editors i like peace out

Castelvania IV on VC

Tonight some new games came out on the VC i thought it would have been mario seeing USA just got it at christmass anyway all i could see is people talking about ow castlevania is and how we should all have it .

    So i downloaded it :) and i can say they were not wrong it is such a good game i feel i have been missing out not playing this i am not a big castlevania fan i thought the games were meant to be bad.

   Anyway i thought i would give you all the lowdown on this Game ok first of all i would give the gameplay a 10 as it does look quite good (i like it personally when the background is spinning around near the end going up a stair like thing where logs r falling) anyway the sound is good infact im not going to go into everything the game is good on the whole download it now !!!!!

They were so wrong....

Ok i was avoiding Red Steel because of how bad a review it got and how much it was meant to glitch etc etc etc. So when i was at my friends house iI thought i would play Red Steel and i thought it was quite good but i was not convinced.

    Anyway today i was in my local game shop and there wasn't anything i really wanted for the Wii then I saw Red Steel and I thought why not.

     Ok once I got home i booted it up and gave it a try and it was really fun i done the first two missions and i never saw one glitch. I think it took gamespot a while to find glitches and they recordd straight away just because they didn't like it  multi player was also quite fun

     Anyway I'm not trying to swing you into buying it or not but i would say it is worth a try "play the game , then you can judge"

I got Zelda twlght princess and gettin my wii tonight

Well i finally got it the wait is over i just need to wait till midnight tonight to get my wii so i can actually play it lol what can i say mmmmm the box art :D fantastic and the disc has this cool link on tht is gold and shines when u move the light about onto it age rating 12+   the back cover has written on it " Become a legend, the biggest zelda of all time, fire projectiles with percision simply by aiming at the screen with the pointer, swing the wii remote and nunchuk to weild your sowrd and shield, when unnatural twlight blankets Hyrule change into a wolf to restore the light" God it would bring a tear to a glass eye i cant wait to play it

  Any way inside the game box it contains the options some nintendo vip points (the scratch card thing)  a little booklet with some pictures of some wii games ( same as most gamecube games did) and ofcourese Nintendo being as safe as they are thay have included a saftey manual lol anyway the night is closing in and i will soon be away to pick up my wii i must prepare enjoy this post :D comments are nice "If you have nothing nice to say dont say anything at all"

Wii almost here (UK)

I thought I would let the people who check my blogs videos etc etc out that I am gettin a wii very shortly it comes out in 4 days but on Friday the 8th of December but i will be gettin mine at a midnight launch on Thursday . I will be gettin my nintendo Wii wii sports (included) and i also preorded Wii play and The legend of zelda Tp and Rayman raving rabbits (Rayman is a christmas gift off my parents). Any way more to the point i will be making a video blog for all of you to see the wii as i noticed there is a shortage of wii user videos. Hopefully this helps some of you who are not sure about certain games. Basically on the Friday one or two of my friends will be coming on so you will se some multiplayer action and i will be recording the full thing (no scripts ^^) but i will aso show some footage on the Thursday (reactions) and some Gameplay i will go through some the instructions for some of the games for those who want to know the controls etc etc. So hopefully I wont need to wait for ever at the Game store so i can get home not too late and get some footage for you all.

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 smoke/subzero ahhhhhhh

Ok i am getting really annoyed at people playing as smoke and subzero on Ultimate mortal kombat 3 it is constantly the same moves over and over aaaaarrrhhgggg  constantly going down then uper cutting you from behind i have devloped a tactic to beat these god damn noobs because i am not gonna stand for it any longer basically you keep low and use block a lot and when they try and upercut hold down and block then upcut them and then get a combo in and most of the time they get angry that they are not winning and quit god damn noobs i reapeat god damn noobs  now on to Subzero or i cut some people some slack for going him because you can be good with him in a scence that you do not constantly try and freeze people and miss it is really annoying but therre is some people who actually get some combos in as well so they are not included in this rant i personally like to play as liu kang and if any1 1 who plays as smoke or suberzero add my gamertag and bring it on and basically this is the end of my rant ( note i may be making a video to name and shame some of the noobs who play as smoke and subzero and basically i will be kicking there ass) end of good night :D