djoyce92's forum posts
In the game lost odessye wich i like a lot my characters are at level 28 and but some speell they cant use becuase it is still empty in the spell book. Where can i get these spells do i buy them or what. Some of them come naturally with leveling up others do not help please
In Mass Effect why can't my character train with an assualt rifle. Everytime i want to equip on it is untrained and has terrible accuracy. My guy is a vanguard but shouldnt everybody be able to use an assualt rifle he is only trained in shoutgun and pistle How can i train him ? I spend a lot of points in the assualt training category so whats the problem
I have a question about super mario galaxy. What does it mean when there is a question mark next to an already completed mission. Anyone know thanks.
Ok i was a little confused because i missed the cutscene, but why does master chief want to fire Halo at the end of the story. Even though he went through all that trouble to stop truth from firing halo
In the Magin Buu Saga of this game. When Hercule has to fight Adroid 17 or whatever (the girl one). How did some of you all get past this all attacks dont hurt her and she just beats you up. It is so stupid that they expect you to beat that. Anyone know how to beat this part
I just recently bought a Wii and I was wondering what games I should get I have Zelda and Super Papper Mario Call of Duty 3 and i can get 2 others wish ones should i get. Thanks
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