Of course Battlefield series resonates particularly well with the PC gamers! that's where battlefield was born and that's really what pushes the bf games to the max, that's also another great point as to why BF makes Cod look like crap in comparison.
they already know idiot!!! oh my god, go fucking get a clue, you are by far the dumbest person on here. SO next gen they are using an engine that was outdated in 2005?
No that's just poor lazy programming and there's no doubt here that you are the newb lol its very funny. I think people are agreeing with me here. SO yea lets use the same engine forever. hahahhahahahahahahhaha moron,
@Fitcherman @djpetitte by your comments I can tell you aren't a very savvy gamer in the least. therefore youre probably just a little guy. So youre suggesting they continue to use the same engine? HAH that's a laugh. hey go research the engine cod has been using for the past 7 years. from a tech standpoint there are a lot of way better engines out there that run at well over 60 fps, newb
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