Subtle changes, like skins, perks and gun. ect. but as for engine, textures, animations, they have been outdated since the original Mw. They don't need to change the core gameplay, but how about updating the technology? so essentially nothing important has changed, its the same copy and paste cookie cutter crap it is every xmas for mommy and daddys to buy for their little tikes, and if you don't know that than you're the idiot which Im guessing you are.
@Goron24 @djpetitte you don't even say their titles right, its 2142 and 1943 was a 15 dollar arcade remake of 1942 with the first gen frostbite engine. 1942 came out in 2002, dude.
it has changed by leaps and bound from 1942 to BF2 and 2142 was completely different and awesome. Bf gamers act as if bf3 was the first game in the series because to them it may be the first they played or BC2 a lot of the younger crowd started playin around that time. all the games in the series you mentions are very different than the next. the core gameplay is the same but that will never change. IVe played every bf game there was, yes even heroes and each iteration has been different, unlike cod.
Explain how BF is generic in your opinion. BF has been specializing in online warfare since 1942, the game has come so far since then, its had its ups and downs but Dice is a top notch developer and any savvy gamer will tell you the same. To me its not generic at all. First time I saw MW it looked like a dumbed down generic wannabe version of battlefield. but with its little 8 vs 8 and no destrucitons or vehicles how could anyone call that warfare?
battlefield makes cod look like childs plays, which that is all it is. Like i said before I would be embarrassed to reveal Cods mp, its going to look like such trash like it has since day one. You realize that the textures and animations were outdated when the original MW came out?
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