The Walking Dead video game series is one of the best most intense games I have played to date and I've been playing video games since the early 80s. I would argue it's better than the show so far. Very tough decisions to make and very bad things happen. If you haven't played all of it several times through yet, I suggest you begin playing today.
I played through every character story at least twice just to see where and what could all happen. If you do that it should take a little over an hour to play everything.
Id like to give Mark the benefit of the doubt, but I'd like to see a scope of work as to why he makes these statements. Otherwise this article is USELESS.
Yeah battlefield has been specializing in online warfare since 1942(2002) long before Cod hit the "online warfare" scene although calling cod online warfare is a laugh considering its 8 vs 8 and theres not vehicles or blowing things up. at this point bf makes cod look like childs play and that's exactly what it is. I hope all these little cod kiddies don't move over to bf and ruin the strategy aspect of the game with their mindless running and gunning.
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