Here we go, ipad has been announced and people went calling it a mobile gaming device. With a dual core CPU and quad core GPU, the specs that doesn't come close to the PS Vita. But why compare? Marketing purposes? But come on, they even said it has higher specs than our recent console.
Yeah, thats what they used to market Ipad, GRAPHICS....but we know whats important. It's gameplay, controls, AAA games and developers. I've been using Ipad 2 for 8 months... I couldn't find any games that could make attract me into finishing it. I imported the Vita late January and i finished Uncharted in less than 2 days, i got so stuck on that game, i literally finished a whole battery in one sitting. So u cant compare IPAD and the VITA.
I've been hearing too much biased comments on IOS devices, saying its the next generation mobile gaming device and it is even capable of killing the recent console. I rant because mobile games like IOS games are killing the portable gaming industry. Developers are turning their head to making simple games rather than making full on massive portable greatness. I personally missed those days when i lay down on my sofa and finished hours on end of my free time playing my GBA and PSP. They were good. Eventhough it's a small screen, the epic gameplay of GOD OF WAR, MGS PSP, ROBOTECH got to me.
I really want developers to focus on making more massive games on portable devices like the PS Vita and the 3DS respectfully. Dedicated portable gaming devices must not be killed by mobile phone games.
This is my opinion. Do share your thoughts and opinions. We are a gaming community.
Viva La Vita!
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