Shining Force series was pretty cool. THose are the only RPG's for Genesis I played however.
djsstorm's forum posts
N64 had better graphics, but PSX had much better games in my opinion.
I think if they came out with demos of every PC game that was released, it would help a little bit. People don't want to go out and pay $50 or so for a brand new game they may not even like. Many game stores will not even buy used PC games anymore because the keys may not be useable for a new owner making the game worthless.
Console games you can at least rent and try out easily, and even resell if they no longer grab your attention. With PC games it is usually a complete risk of your $50.
Reviews are nice, but I have found myself they are not always correct. People don't want to run the riskof wasting their money, so this drives even more people to pirate games for free.
This was a great game. I loved the idea of being able to turn into dragons in the fight and kick some butt. There are times during the game however where it may be hard to figure out on your own where to go next because they don't tell you very easily. The game has been out for so long though that you can easily look it up on gamefaqs or something if you get stuck. Overall, it is a very enjoyable game.
I would say the SNES, but that is only because I loved that system. It had so many fun games and I still play some of them today.
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