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New Xbox One owner here! What are your recommendations for me?

Hi everyone - Happy New Year. :-)

Now that I've spent a bit of time here, I think I pretty much fit into the Manticore club on GameSpot (as I understand it, this is the gamer who pretty much appreciates everything and loves games in general, regardless of brand).

I say this because in the previous console generation, I had a Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 - and in that generation, the Xbox 360 was my most played console by far.

In this gen, it's been different. I picked up a Wii U on launch, and I also snagged a PS4 pretty early on. So far, the PS4 has definitely been my most-played console by a pretty wide margin. I absolutely love it, and I'd say it's one of my favourite consoles of all time at this point.

I never picked up the Xbox One, partly because it just didn't seem to have the exclusives that the 360 had, and I wasn't going to get it for multi-platform releases. But I definitely felt that there was a gap in my collection, so just a couple of days ago, I went out and picked up an Xbox One S.

I won't provide full impressions of it here, but I will say that I grabbed a few games to start off my Xbox One collection:

  • Sunset Overdrive
  • Ori and the Blind Forest
  • Rare Replay

I feel like these were pretty good starting choices! I love all of them; Sunset Overdrive is absolutely nuts, in the best possible way. It reminds me of Jet Set Radio (which is one of my favourite games), but with far better mechanics and more interesting gameplay. I even like the cheesy self-referential humour! :P

Ori and the Blind Forest is absolutely gorgeous and I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far.

And Rare Replay is simply great from a value perspective! So many awesome games in a single bundle. I'm looking forward to diving deeper into the collection over the next couple of weeks.

As you can see, I'm trying to take advantage of Xbox One's uniqueness - I'm really interested in the exclusives, the games you just can't find anywhere else.

I know there are a lot of people out there who appreciate the Xbox One, so my question to you is: what Xbox One exclusive games would you recommend for a new Xbox One owner?

Thanks in advance for your recommendations. I'm keen to read about what you're enjoying the most. :-)

Edit: I should add...don't worry about genres and stuff. I love great games, and I don't really care much about the genre - feel free to recommend whatever you like best.

The Third Place: Strange and wonderful video game commercials

Hi everyone! As per my last blog post, I thought I'd start sharing my articles at [mod edit] here, especially since I know many of you are always on the lookout for new gaming sites to read.

My latest piece is entitled The Third Place: Strange and wonderful video game commercials [mod edit, link removed]. It's basically a love letter to some of my favourite video game ad campaigns.

I have to admit that I spend an unhealthy amount of time on YouTube looking at game commercials, especially retro stuff from years ago - I really love the older Sega commercials, for example (although as you'll see on the article, I'm very keen on the Sony stuff too).

Do you have a favourite video game commercial? If you do - especially one that I haven't listed in the article - please let me know! I'm always keen to check out more weird ads. :D

By the way, if you're interested in contributing to [mod edit], please feel free to inbox me.

Super Jump (a new, salt-free video game magazine)

I run a small video game web site called Super Jump. It is - very simply - a salt-free space to celebrate the art and science of video games.

Here is the manifesto, which will tell you all about the philosophy.

I'd like to use my GameSpot blog to share Super Jump article updates to spread the word. If you like what you see, you're passionate about games, and you'd like to contribute to Super Jump, feel free to send me a message here on GameSpot.

I would love to create a positive, creative space for game enthusiasts to share their passion without cynicism. I hope you'll join me!

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