You don't want a high resolution monitor in a gaming laptop. The video cards in the things are already relatively weak compared to their desktop counterparts, and only get worse with age. At ~720p (1360x768) you at least have a chance of being able to keep up with current games for a few years.
then play at lower res
the lcd is awful
around 200-300:1 contrast ratio
you want a high resolution for general use
~1300x700~ is way too low for a 15in laptop
that's about right for an 11in laptop
i wouldn't go lower than a 1920x1080 display for a 15in laptop
the contrast ratios on the higher res displays also tend to be substantially better
same for brightness and color accuracy
luckily my sager np8130 has all of these things. And the LCD overclocks to 95hz without issue. 100hz i get artifacting though ;x, 120hz is a rainbow
they sell the y580 with a 1080p display though
ofc you pay a premium which you should definately get unless you are a dumbarse
tc could also get this
comes with a faster HD by default
have to change the gpu to 660m though
Then be prepared for your games to be clip show in a couple of years, as there's no way to upgrade the GPU in a laptop. Laptop GPUs are significantly weaker than their desktop counterparts, and can already barely handle 1080p at this point.
And talk about looking like crap, running an LCD at a non-native resolution looks about as bad as you can get.
Playing games in non-native isn't too bad. It's when you're in Windows itself that the blurriness becomes noticeable. Still, 768p resolution on a 15" is so low that you'll be able to see the individual pixels within sitting distance. You have very little screen real estate for multitasking as well. A 1080 screen is well worth it. Older games will look better at a higher resolution, and you can run newer games at a lower resolution without much distortion.
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