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#1 dk00111
Member since 2007 • 3123 Posts



You don't want a high resolution monitor in a gaming laptop. The video cards in the things are already relatively weak compared to their desktop counterparts, and only get worse with age. At ~720p (1360x768) you at least have a chance of being able to keep up with current games for a few years.


then play at lower res
the lcd is awful
around 200-300:1 contrast ratio
you want a high resolution for general use

~1300x700~ is way too low for a 15in laptop
that's about right for an 11in laptop

i wouldn't go lower than a 1920x1080 display for a 15in laptop

the contrast ratios on the higher res displays also tend to be substantially better

same for brightness and color accuracy

luckily my sager np8130 has all of these things. And the LCD overclocks to 95hz without issue. 100hz i get artifacting though ;x, 120hz is a rainbow

they sell the y580 with a 1080p display though

ofc you pay a premium which you should definately get unless you are a dumbarse

tc could also get this

comes with a faster HD by default

have to change the gpu to 660m though

Then be prepared for your games to be clip show in a couple of years, as there's no way to upgrade the GPU in a laptop. Laptop GPUs are significantly weaker than their desktop counterparts, and can already barely handle 1080p at this point.

And talk about looking like crap, running an LCD at a non-native resolution looks about as bad as you can get.

Playing games in non-native isn't too bad. It's when you're in Windows itself that the blurriness becomes noticeable. Still, 768p resolution on a 15" is so low that you'll be able to see the individual pixels within sitting distance. You have very little screen real estate for multitasking as well. A 1080 screen is well worth it. Older games will look better at a higher resolution, and you can run newer games at a lower resolution without much distortion.
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#2 dk00111
Member since 2007 • 3123 Posts

I have an ASUS IPS monitor, only 1920x1080 but the colors and viewing angles are great. Yeah, games need to support the resolution although most games should. Not too sure about the ms as I've only had monitors with 5ms. HDMI is the same quality as DVI but sound can go over it. So if the monitor had built in speakers you could just use the HDMI cord going from your graphics card to your monitor and it'd do audio and video.

Which model?
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#3 dk00111
Member since 2007 • 3123 Posts

[QUOTE="General_X"][QUOTE="JigglyWiggly_"]and here ithought he wanted a gaming monitor ips and 60hz bad combinationJigglyWiggly_

I game on a ips at 60hz and have absolutely no issues, and the improved color reproduction is fantastic! No more banding in gradients and movies and games just POP more with the better colors.


play me in quake live(or any fps)

you will find you have issues then

for gaming you absolutely want 120hz

The same way you need a wired mouse? I'm sorry but a 60hz IPS is fine. Depending on OP's rig, most games probably won't be running at higher than 60fps anyway, so there would be no benefit to having a 120hz monitor. If you're playing professionally or want to do 3D gaming, then I might be able to see the benefit of a 120hz. Otherwise it's rather pointless.
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#4 dk00111
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[QUOTE="spiderluck"] extending it's magic touch to there no killing this insidious virus


If anything you should feel honoured that the Sony gods are even looking at your precious PC platform :o.

Does anyone wanna clue this guy in?

About Vaio or about the PC exclusive games Sony makes?
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#5 dk00111
Member since 2007 • 3123 Posts
I'm in the market for a new monitor as well. Newegg has the VS239H-P for $190 + a $20 dollar gift card, which is a pretty good deal. I've heard mostly good things about it. You're not going to get much better of a monitor at that price, but I've heard it suffers from some backlight leaking issues.
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#6 dk00111
Member since 2007 • 3123 Posts
Most guides say DVI because a lot of monitors don't have HDMI ports. Even then not all monitors would work with an HDMI to DVI adapter. Just use your HDMI cable and you can set the audio to be sent through RCA cables in the settings I believe.
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#7 dk00111
Member since 2007 • 3123 Posts


[QUOTE="clone01"] How so? A PC is a personal computer. Isn't a laptop a personal computer, too?lundy86_4

PC is a PC and laptop is a laptop.

Whenever I say PC, I mean the desktop.

Laptops are not considered as PCs. It's incorrect.

You are completely and utterly wrong. You should also feel bad for having such a limited understanding of the English language.

Just give it up. Either he's a brilliant troll or he's so blinded by his ignorance that there's no point in arguing with him anyway. As far as laptop gaming goes, I can play games at higher graphics than my PS3, get games for dirt cheap off of steam, can easily connect it to any TV, and can take it with me wherever I go. Have fun loading and unloading your trunk everytime someone has a LAN party.
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#8 dk00111
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[QUOTE="JoKeR_421"]lol screw that crap lol wont ever buy anything like that but hope whoever does enjoys it i guess. i think its a waste of money and good way to scam ppllo_Pine
Why do you think this way?...I am not saying you are wrong as I often question myself when I purchase things like this. But I usually justify it by the fact that I seek immediate gratification and no other way would suit me.

For $50 dollars you can get a whole other game or two, not just some bonus content.
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#9 dk00111
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to me it looks like Burnout paradise 2 with cops. And well I hated paradise, so i wont be exited for this at all.

I wish it was a Burnout Paradise 2. Critereon does great things with the Burnout series. NFS:HP on the other hand was somewhat repetitive and at times downright boring. NFS:MW looks like a big improvement, but I'm not holding my breath just yet.
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#10 dk00111
Member since 2007 • 3123 Posts

[QUOTE="tarzanell"][QUOTE="dk00111"] The games don't have to be aimed at the casual market. Real Racing, Infinity Blade, GTA3, Minecraft, and various EA titles have done very well for themselves despite not being casual games. As hardware grows and room for higher end titles opens up, things will sort themselves out.Hoznary
This is why Sony needs to adopt an Android OS for Vita, and get these games on PSN with button options. Why compete head on when you can join them?

Why does sony have to compete with smartphones? Is the 3ds competing with smartphones? I mean how many people buy gta3 or minecraft on smartphones compared to angry birds (Casual)

You asked 3 different questions, so I'll try to answer each based off of how I see things.

1) Two reasons: Sony is targeting an older audience, many of which already own a smartphone. Second, Sony's always based a large part of the appeal of their handhelds on their technical capablities. The PSP had games and features that were generally aimed at an older audience than the DS, and what made it special was that you could play games at near PS2 graphics wherever you go. This was pretty cool at the time because there wasn't really anything else that offered a simliar experience. Sony has a similar strategy with the Vita by offering near PS3 graphics, except this time there IS something that offers a similar experience (graphically), smartphones. What made the PSP special is no longer a unique feature.

2) Yes, but to a leser extent. In general, the 3DS's audience is younger and less likely to have smartphones, and they have very important handheld exclusives that aren't necessarily just a port of a console exclusive (such as the Pokemon series). Let's be honest, it wouldn't be hard for Nintendo to port one of the older Pokemon games to iOS and Android and it would EASILY sell 10s of millions of copies if priced right, but they won't because it's one of the thing keeping their handheld market alive.

3) In terms of percentage, definitely not as much, but when you account for the sheer number of smartphones out there, even if a small percentage of smartphone buyers bought "hardocre" smartphone games, it would still be a large money maker. Take for example the Infinity Blade series, early this year it was announced that it had surpassed $30 million in sales, despite it being only on iOS. That's pretty impressive.