For my 360 i have a red and white plug in that converts it to one plug in for my speakers and subwoofer. so i could just do that for the audio.. SLUSHiNaToRYeah then you're good. Just make sure your monitor supports HDCP.
dk00111's forum posts
is there, by any chance, that I could hook up the hdmi to my monitor with a hdmi to dvi converter and use the audio cables from the av cables? or whatever ones that come with the ps3? SLUSHiNaToRYeah, you can do that. But do your speakers have a hole for them?
Here is what somebody else recommended:okay thanks! Since my monitor doesnt have hdmi input, i have a converter to dvi. And since my monitor has no speakers, is there a way to get audio then? or no..
Use your Multiout Composites that came in the box. Pick up a Y adapter to convert the red and white connections to a mini stereo plug. Also pick up an inline mini stereo to mini stero adapter to plug your external speakers into assuming they use a mini stereo plug. Total cost is around $12 @ RadioShack.But make sure that your monitor supports HDCP. If it doesn't, then you can't use an HDMI cable because the signal is encrypted. If it doesn't then you need to buy component cables for your PS3, and buy a component to dvi converter instead.
You know they have a voice changer right?I don't want cross game chat because my voice sounds like I eat helium balloons for dinner.
Definitely the one that gave us in game XMB, custom music, and trophies in the same update. :)
Consider yourself lucky that you haven't had any problems.
40GBWhich model?
Well, I didn't. But if you consider a hard drive that has a spinning, circular saw that can cut through an armored SWAT truck in a matter of seconds an "upgrade", then yes.Did you upgrade HDD?
No. No. Horizontal.Refurbished PS3?
Intercooler, usb-powered fans, resting position of PS3?
That update just came out today. :P I'm not as crazy for cross game chat as some others on here, but I think they will definitely get it in by 3.50. What I'm looking forward to is Firefox for the PS3.last time i checked the only new thing that there adding in the next update will be facebook intergration, a new way to organize ur photos and the ability to change the color of ur PSN ID card. not bad features but cross game chat would be better
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