A while ago there were people saying that in the last nintendo power there was a note about a huge mind blowing rpg announcement in the next issue. Now that that issue is here, does anyone know what it is?
If you play PSP because you want the "console experience", then why not just go play a console? I play my portables (yes, I have both) because I want the portable experience, and pick up and play titles like picross or innovative titles like patapon aren't really available on consoles.
I thought it was a memorable gaming experience. For the people who say its too easy, I can understand why, I mean it took me only about 8 hours to beat the storyline. I'm still working on getting all 120 stars though (some of the purple coin ones are tough!).
Sheep don't care about graphics. Talk to them about sales or waggle.
you could always talk to them about gameplay, hence the whole point of a game in the first place.
Gameplay for Wii is all about the waggle. So Grandma and baby can play.
I think you need to sit down and play some of the quality wii games instead of being so pigheaded and unoriginal. Anyone can target the wii's graphics and crappy casual games with waggle.
I really enjoy both, depending on the type of game, but i would have to give the edge to the health bar. Having to keep stopping and waiting to recover is sometimes annoying. Then again, so is finding health packs...
I personally play the wii only for wii games, and not for retro games so I definitely have the space. I would love to see Wiiconnect24 utilized in getting extra content. Another galaxy in SMG or an online mode for metroid prime 3 (similar to hunters, not echoes) would be dandy.
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