It's funny, because it basically looks close (a little worse) to what modded GTA 4 looked like on PC back in 2011. But consoles still can't even come close to that.
dkdk999's forum posts
Is the 750Ti or 270x too much?
I could get a 750Ti, but I'm mainly interested in playing games like TF2,league of legends, swtor, games like that until star wars battlefront comes out. A 750Ti seems overkill for those things.
My plan is that I want to buy a cheap PC and later on when games come out to play upgrade the graphics card to something decent. Do you guys think this is practical ?
I was thinking of getting a good i5, 8GB RAM, but I won't get a good graphics card until about a year from now(I'm getting a GT730 in the mean time), do you think this is the more practical route if theres no games I want to play right now? Or would it be better to just get a good graphics card right now ?
Great southern. Sorry to tell you guys (if you somehow didn't all know) but all banks are shitty. One good thing about bitcoin is that you can TOTALLY AVOID banks with it! Thus why I look for any excuse to use it.
"One good thing about bitcoin is that you can TOTALLY AVOID banks with it!"
Uh, no.
Uh, ya. storing money online kind of entails avoiding banks.
I feel people would attack me if they think negative of me, so yes I care what other people think.
I actually live in Utah, and the high school I went to was very left wing, very non-religious, and very accepting of gay people. But it was a charter school though.
That's some grat paruntin right thar.
Man, that girl that kissed me in 5th, I gotta get her registered as a sex offender, such an event has life long consequences.
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