good games coming out this summer and fall
by dkilmurray on Comments
this summers games are excellent this year usually its rubbish movie tie in games that come out but this year we are getting alot of amazing looking games and also dlc's. thw guitar hero metallica game is awesome and i cant wait for the fallout 3 dlc's to come out in june. theres infamous and prototype which also both look like awesome games. overlord 2 is coming out in june as well and the demo is pretty good it can be downloaded on the playstation store right now. the new batman game looks to be one of the best games of the year. bioshock 2 even though im unsure of the release date looks like a 10 out 0f 10 game. the game DARKSIDERS looks amazing itrs being released in september and you play one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. brutal legend lokks to be a good game as well. a game called borderlands should also be released this year it looks quite cool.