You should start your own video game review website and call it "I don't agree with you unless your opinions match mine".com [QUOTE="mickyplankon"]What am i talking about? Im talking about the reviews for GTA4, GOW3 and FF13. All way too overrated. GTA4 is dull, the gameplay is ponderous, and repetitive. The peripheral stuff is great (eg the music) but as a gaming experience it gets dull too quickly once the inital wow factor wears off. Where is the zip of Vice City or the great sandbox experience of San Andreas. Im sorry but GTA 4 is nowhere near as fun to play as its predesesoors so should be a 7/10 at best. Similarly, why does FF get such high scores? The franchise peaked over 10 years ago (FF7) and has gone downhill ever since. Dull characters, pretentious stories and boringdungeon crawls are what it is now about. FF13 was correctly reviewed in Edge who gave it 5/10.
On to God of War.3 A great game, but broken and buggy in places, with boss battles that despite their grandeur are weak as far as gameplay goes. GOW1 and 2 were classics, but this one is a 7/10 at best.
I am dissappointed that gamespot seems too loyal to history and that some franchises becasue of past glories seem untouchable. They are not. Sometimes in games, just like movies, sequels are a bit crap. And this has been the case in point in the 3 mentioned here.
Any thoughts?
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