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Hello Again! I'm Viktoria and it's May 5, 2024 and I LOVE MY B SO MUCH!!!!

Hello there! So much has happened since I wrote here last!

Shortly after I wrote here, I had to return to America. While I'll always be happy to see my family, leaving here was the hardest thing in the world. I returned to America and after a few months I got a job in an industrial laundromat that handled all of the laundry from every local hospital in my area. I was so lucky to be able to have my B on the phone the whole time, cheering me on, helping me stay hydrated, and helping me to know when to walk away when the temperatures reached unsafe levels. Eventually, due to the rising temperatures, I did have to leave that job.


not before I raised enough money to go visit my B in POLAND!!!

With the savings I had (1k), and my adorable B helping me with the other 1k I needed, I was able to get a last minute ticket to Poland for my B's BIRTHDAY!!!!!! He showed me around his home town and the larger surrounding city. The first thing we did when I got there was ride an actual horse-drawn carriage around CASTLES! I've never felt so much like a princess in my life! Then we went out to eat too! The food was obviously INSANE. We also went swimming! We rode scooters ALL over his hometown (and we got super sunburnt too hehe)! We went out to the local restaurant and had beers and ice cream and fancy food nearly every day! We ate SO GOOD (especially the kebabs oh. my. goodness.) and the drinks were amazing as well. I got to see his childhood home and I even put a few easter eggs for later ;) We took baths in his childhood bath and did lil bath bombs and it was so cute! I was also able to finally pay respects to his grandmother. I felt so lucky to be able to put a rosary on her grave because she's such a huge part of who my B is and he's honestly so lovely <3 But the best part was being able to see my B on his birthday for the first time since I've known him!! I was finally able to give him a present in person on his actual birthday! It was amazing. We had a Mario piƱata that me, his mom, and brother picked out! We had lil poppers that exploded money confetti! And obviously took SO many polaroids! It was amazing to be able to be a part of something so spontaneous and magical as this trip to Poland with my B! <3

After Poland, I came back to America where I started working for my mom. With the money from that job, I was able to save up for plane tickets again!!

So I waited until my six month mandatory leave was over, and I came back to see my baby for ANOTHER 6 MONTHS!!!! When I first got here I was so excited, and then we got to border patrol... around 4 hours I was trapped trying to call my mom and trying to talk to my B and the whole time they're telling me I can't come in! It was TERRIFYING. But I prayed my lil heart out. His mom did rosary for me. My b was praying as hard as he could.... and then.... they changed their minds! I WAS ABLE TO COME IN!!! FOR ANOTHER 6 MONTHS!!! I cannot explain the tears of joy I cried when I heard. So immediately, we go and get on the coach, and 2 hours later I can finally touch my B again!!!! Oh my gosh, I missed this lil cutie so much bro. And for the past 6 months, we've been pretty busy but we also had a lot of time to relax together! We had Christmas, His Brother's birthday (they went to Hedge End), New Years (We did fireworks!!) , His Dad's birthday, then Valentines Day(where we went to Hedge End and bought our first pets! lil hamsters <3), then His Mom's birthday, and then My Daughter's birthday (when we went to the Cinema to see Kung Fu Panda 4), and then Easter (where we sprayed water guns at each other), and then MY birthday (which lasted for like a month ahahaha) where we went to the Arcade! We've had BBQ's and beautiful days in the garden, we've played AMAZING games and had so many fun Movie Nights and Family Game Nights. It's really been another beautiful 6 months. I'm forever grateful that I've been able to spend so much time with my B in the past few years and I'm forever grateful for all the amazing years to come!

We're planning to get married this year now that we have our plan narrowed down to an exact path, and I can't wait to spend the rest of forever with my cutie pie! <3 I love you so much baby!!!!