I love books! I have a stock of novels that I read during my 2-3 hour bathtimes each night. TV news today featured Sony's latest offering - a 'digi-book' that holds about 160 full novels, with a 'book sized' screen, which may eventually be able to contain 'all the books in the British Library' (i.e. millions). So space and rainforest saving!
The news arrived at an opportune time. Since moving to a flat up one flight of stairs, some of my books have lined each step in little piles. I had many, many more than I'd thought. The magnitude of the task of moving them to shelves in my bedroom overwhelmed and paralysed me....
But they constituted an obstruction: the 'neck-breaking' variety, since I am partially disabled with balance problems. I started literally to have nightmares about the mess. Finally today (a mere couple of months later J) I shelved, well..... most of them, before collapsing, exhausted and overheated, in front of the news.
But I shall not invest in Sony's new mojo. As I've mentioned before, I'm a C20 entity and books should be........ well - paper. Besides, if it fell into the bath (as at least 5 of the paper ones have done on different occasions), I'd be seriously out of pocket and seriously upset.... But it's a good idea for the non-clumsy!