Well as you can see the blog profile picture didnt work that well....oh well ill figure it out. Gotta like the new Agent Smith icon though, that just rules :D.
So I got a 3.0 GPA on my 10th grade First Semester Report Card. Not bad, I suppose. But I know I can raise it. We'll see what happens there.
Anyways, I decided to start playing Golden Sun 1 on GBA again, for the first time since 2002. The game has aged well since then still, I consider it one of the best portable games ever. Too bad I sold the second one to my friend, which I realize I now want back lol.
Recently saw Chronicles of Narnia, which I have to say, although it was cheesy, it was still a cool film. Decent enough acting, pretty good special effects, and very inspiring for the crowd it was directed to, I would think it could appeal to a fairly broad audience as well. Cool battle scenes for a PG movie too.
Narnia: 8/10
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