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dmulah Blog

I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!

Whatsup guys!

So I'm finally back from extended absence yet again, and finally got my banner to work (Look up, isn't it awesome?) I aspire to be an officer in more unions and be more active. I'll get there!

BTW the new Rush album and Shadows Fall album are excellent! Can't wait for new Megadeth, Dream Theater, Metallica, and Opeth!

See you guys on the boards, and expected an even more updated user page for me here!


LEVEL 14! And Banner Problems.......


Just got to level 14, so that rules. Still, I'm having some trouble with setting my banner....I tried it fromĀ a URL, then uploaded it from my computer in a .jpeg file format, following all the directions and all. Yet, nothing is showing up. Think anyone could help me? That would be most righteous. See you guys on the boards!

BTW, here is a picture of my banner I'm trying to put up:

Profile Update, GPA, Golden Sun, and the Movies.

Well as you can see the blog profile picture didnt work that well....oh well ill figure it out. Gotta like the new Agent Smith icon though, that just rules :D.

So I got a 3.0 GPA on my 10th grade First Semester Report Card. Not bad, I suppose. But I know I can raise it. We'll see what happens there.

Anyways, I decided to start playing Golden Sun 1 on GBA again, for the first time since 2002. The game has aged well since then still, I consider it one of the best portable games ever. Too bad I sold the second one to my friend, which I realize I now want back lol.

Recently saw Chronicles of Narnia, which I have to say, although it was cheesy, it was still a cool film. Decent enough acting, pretty good special effects, and very inspiring for the crowd it was directed to, I would think it could appeal to a fairly broad audience as well. Cool battle scenes for a PG movie too.

Narnia: 8/10

Long Time, No See GS!

Hery guys! Just wanted to say whatsup, I don't know why but I haven't relaly visited here, like, at all in the last month. Guess I've been lazy, with all the stuff that's been going on.

I DID open a bank account for 120 dollars recently at Wells Fargo, which was awesome. That way I won't touch all that money and I can save it.

I'm also going to start making blogs that focus more on reviews oustide of the videogaming world, such as movies, music, etc.

Keep in mind, to all of my friends who are from the Unions I amĀ part of, I will continue to do regular posting and try to make up for my lost time. Sorry I was away so long again guys! See you on the boards!

Merry Xmas/Other holidays!

So how's everyone doing? Hope you guys all got what you wanted for christmas, mine consisted of:

  • Mario Kart DS
  • Castlevania DS
  • Mp3 Player Speakers
  • Dream Theater: Master of Puppets Cover Album
  • The Darkness: One Way Ticket to Hell....and Back
  • Yngwie Malmsteem's Rising Force: Unleash the Fury
  • Some Shirts and Clothes
  • 10 Dollar Starbucks Gift Card
  • 160 Bucks

All in all, not bad. I fell spoiled though, I really did get more than I thought I would, ha. Still, I'm excited and it was definitely a good Christmas. Hope you guys have some happy holidays, and a great new year!

New Xbox Game Discoveries!

Recently, courtesy to my frequent trips to blockbuster, I have found some truly great Xbox games I can't believe I missed before. Here's some of the more recent ones:

  • Psychonauts
  • Darkwatch
  • Fatal Frame II
  • Panzer Dragoon Orta

And of course I started playing Fable again, but I really need to check out Lost Chapters. Expect to see some reviews soon from me on some of these games, and please guys, don't hesitate to leave feedback on my reviews, such as approving or reccomending them. I am aiming to recieve the "good taste" emblem, but I haveĀ a long way to go!

8 weeks of school done, and I finally have some free GS time

Hey whatsup guys, hope you're all doing well with school. As for me marching band is pretty fun but sucking up all my time. Gradewise, I have A's and B's which is always good, I just hope I don't get lazy and slack off.

There are so many games out I want to buy! Phantom Dust, Indigo Prohecy, Farcry Instincts, and more. Plus, as soon as my brother's college cpu comes in, then I'll have to get all these really cool cpu games. Man, I should sure start saving my money soon.....

School has started......ughh...

Yeah, my first week of school is officially over as of today. It's not going to bad, I just hope that I'm consistent though the year and all. Good luck to you guys out there as well, whether you already started, or still have a week or two.

ANOTHER New Nevermore sig, school woes.

Yay, it's a new one!

Yes, I did it all in MS Paint. I'm proud of my work, but next time the subject matter will be different.

Anyways, I start school on Monday, so I'm bummed about that. Whatever though, what happens happens *sigh*.

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