dnDarko's forum posts
i have a wii and a xbox, the old one:)
check the experts opinion on the subject.
It doesn't bother me much, it depends on the game, for example, i don't want a Mario that looks like a real person with great models and animations, that kind of games just have to be fun, but there are alot of games that benefit of great graphix and it bother's me that the wii can't provide that. But i knew that when i bought it...
The wii doesn't have to be a substitute to xbox360 or PS3, i think it's a great combination to have wii plus other console, they complement each ohter (ex: the wii doesn't even play dvd's). I only have a wii right now but i want to buy one of the others in the future (when they're cheaper).
In conclusion, the wii doesn't need better graphicx, but it would be so sweet:D Imagine the wii with the power of 4 gamecube's instead of 2...
i guess nintendo agrees with me...
At the end you can read: "If the character model used for Link is any indication of where this series is headed, expect ultra-realism, grittiness, and a very dark feel."
...i think its time nintendo let go of some its classics, and started to make new ones
nintendo cant trive on E rated games forever
you are so right... i'm a big nintendo fan since NES and it's nice to play some Mario and Zelda games once in a while, but i want something new. Nintendo has the best position to explore the capabilities of their consoles and they keep using their skills for making and remaking the same games over and over again... i mean, i like them but give me something new pleeeeeaseeee... oh, and more M rated games, i'm not a kid anymore, something like God of War or something with a character that is NOT CUTE and has a BIG F***ING SWORD!! :)
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