dnddmdb642's forum posts
Wii is a pretty awesome console I have to admit. The games, although not having graphics like the PS3 or X-Box 360, are still excellent and you can't get them on any other system. The controls using the Wii Remote are innovative at least, and its plenty fun to wave the remote to do things like swing a swordor point it to aim a crosshair. The Mii feature is fun for friends and family and you can send them to other systems. The Virtual Console feature is fun if you have a Point Card thingy. It also doubles as a Gamecube, but you need Gamecube controllers and a Memory Card.
My favorites are:
5. Mortal Kombat: Unchained
4. Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
3. Killzone: Liberation
2. Daxter
1. LocoRoco
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