Whaaat. People still use this site?! Miss the golden days.
do_the_mario Blog
Top 10 Games Bought in 2010
by do_the_mario on Comments
Wasn't pullin' in a lot of money or games this year, so this may be a very awkward looking list ^^"
1. UFC 2010
2. Bioshock
3. Skate 2
4. Little Big Planet (GOTY)
5. Megaman 10
6. God of War Collection
7. Dead Nation
8. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
9. Soul Calibur IV
10. Mercenaries 2
My actual Top Ten Games REALEASED in 2010 will be coming soon.
by do_the_mario on Comments
Alright, DoTehMario is back to where he started it all, DoTehMario is also speaking in the third person!
There we go, much better, let me start off by saying "Hello", now that, that's out of the way, I can continue on with what I was doing. I've bought "Battlefield : Bad Company" and I'm quite content with that game, the only problem is the offten broken online play, It's a lot of fun, but it becomes so broken that sometimes you can't play it.
I'm Dating again, whoop de doo, after I ended my long affair with Video Games, I went back out and decided to live my life again, So yeah, good for me!
I've fixed my msn problem, so I'm back online, anyone who wants to talk to me Via Msn, PM me and I'll send you my email (I won't put it here for OBVIOUS reasons)
I have a new HD camera, and although none of my gameplay videos will be uploaded here, I might put YouTube links to my videos here
my PSN, for anywho are too lazy to look it up is PsykoXnauT64 but you can add my "Alternate Account" DoTehMarioGs
I've started my animation again, Which I actually never mentioned before, I might post a picture or two so you can see my work, or maybe I'll set up a Deviant Art account, who knows?
As for the rest of the update? There's not much else to say, Life's going good, and I'm still good at Brawl and Quantum of Solace and I still Can't Stand Campers and Jerks, anyway
I'm Back
DoTehMarioGs'll get back to yah later
Almost Christmas!
by do_the_mario on Comments
Alright everyone, I've noticed, none of you blog, and even fewer read them, this sucks mainly because it used to be a lot more popular, did it become to Tedious to write a few things about your week or the game you're playing? Whatever! Just consider what I'm saying.
Alright, on to business, recently I've been downloading a bunch of demos, and out of the demo's I've downloaded, the one that makes me want the game the most is MegaMan 9, Mirrors Edge,Valkyria Chronicals, and finally Eternal Sonata, these are some good games people, and one of them only cost's about 6$ These are some great games!
Alright, the game's I've found myself playing lately have been:
Quantum of Solace 007 (PS3)
SingStar (PS3)
RockBand (PS3)
The Sims (NGC)
Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker (NGC)
Emulator Disk (Wii, let's you play almost all the older games up untill the Turbo Grafix so NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Sega Master Genesis or what ever it's called, and finally Turbo Grafix)
And that's it!
Now for some reviews that I'm to lazy to do
QOS: 7.5 out of 10.0
SingStar: 8.0 out of 10.0
The Sims: 8.5 - 10.0
LOZWW: 8.0 - 10.0
Too Lazy to bring any other reviews
Anyway, have a good one!
DoTehMario A.K.A. PsykoXnauT64 , Singin' Off 8)
Well, Looks like I'm back (Yay DTM's BACK)
by do_the_mario on Comments
Hello everyone! It's me DTM or rather your friendly neighboorhood blogger. Some stuffs changed (like Gamespots interface and let me say nice job) my buddies NGC memory card got formatted (say goodbye to all his Phantasy Star Episodes 1 through 3 data) anyway that makes me the expert player though that also means that he lost my booma's right arm which I'm a little angry about, further more I've found an interesting "Glitch" for Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, first what I did was use all the Gamespot cheats (God mode, No Grav, and Nailgun) or something like that and I played the first mission (Anthema) So with my sawnoff I went in a blasted everyone and I get to the second floor and with my SMG I blow away some gaurd, now I'm still in my hitman clothing so I figured why not steal the gaurds clothes right? he's all nailed against the wall what'll he care? So I take his clothes and for fun start draging him and I accidentally let go and there staring right at me was lioke a mexian version of JESUS! He was floating in midair in the Jesus postion, my first thoughts were SAVE so I did and now I'm just waiting to get my camera and go to my buddies house (We made two copies thank god, was the pun intended?) and post it here! I played Top Spin Two and SOUL CALIBER 4, that game was awesome and I loved it, I will most likly play oblivion soon but obviously can't promise anything. Well I'm gonna try and buy PSOE1&2+ but I can't promise anything there as well (Phantasy Star Online: Episodes 1&2 Plus edition) Well, that may be it except I miss IT crowd and I know it's comin' back (AWESOME) and Code Monkey's is fillin' the void for now! Well, Untill Next Time
Do The Mario for Prime Minister, He's better then you!
P.S. Why can't one of the topics be AWESOMENESS? Let's get on that!
Topic? TOPIC? You couldn't handle my Topic unless you were pure AWESOMENESS
by do_the_mario on Comments
Hello everyone! It's me DTM or rather your friendly neighboorhood blogger. Some stuffs changed (like Gamespots interface and let me say nice job) my buddies NGC memory card got formatted (say goodbye to all his Phantasy Star Episodes 1 through 3 data) anyway that makes me the expert player though that also means that he lost my booma's right arm which I'm a little angry about, further more I've found an interesting "Glitch" for Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, first what I did was use all the Gamespot cheats (God mode, No Grav, and Nailgun) or something like that and I played the first mission (Anthema) So with my sawnoff I went in a blasted everyone and I get to the second floor and with my SMG I blow away some gaurd, now I'm still in my hitman clothing so I figured why not steal the gaurds clothes right? he's all nailed against the wall what'll he care? So I take his clothes and for fun start draging him and I accidentally let go and there staring right at me was lioke a mexian version of JESUS! He was floating in midair in the Jesus postion, my first thoughts were SAVE so I did and now I'm just waiting to get my camera and go to my buddies house (We made two copies thank god, was the pun intended?) and post it here! I played Top Spin Two and SOUL CALIBER 4, that game was awesome and I loved it, I will most likly play oblivion soon but obviously can't promise anything. Well I'm gonna try and buy PSOE1&2+ but I can't promise anything there as well (Phantasy Star Online: Episodes 1&2 Plus edition) Well, that may be it except I miss IT crowd and I know it's comin' back (AWESOME) and Code Monkey's is fillin' the void for now! Well, Untill Next Time
Do The Mario for Prime Minister, He's better then you!
P.S. Why can't one of the topics be AWESOMENESS? Let's get on that!
Rock Band and Guitar Hero Status
by do_the_mario on Comments
I am second best Guitar Hero player out of my buddies (We are Guitar Gods) I know because of the tournement I came SECOND in!!! w00t also I can play all songs up untill Knights of Cydonia on Hard (but I can play Cliffs of Dover with no cheats) and on hard I can play up untill Miss Murder but the hardest song I can play is EVEN FLOW and ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE on Expert! yeah just beat Rock you like a hurricane (Favourite GH3 song so far) a few days ago but so far can't repeat the miracale (No I didn't use cheats even by accident) And on Rock Band I can play Expert Guitar and Bass, I can sing five star on medium, and drum on medium. I can play up untill Timmy and the Lords of the underworld on guitar I can play EVERYTHING on expert Bass (Not really that hard though) and most singing and drumming not all. My friend Lil_Gamer_Man and I have started a rock band for something I head about called the "Battle of the Rock Bands" if anyone knows more about it I would appriciate some info..... So far our band has Three members
Guitar: Dick (rich)
Drums: LGM (Lil G man)
Vocals: DTM
Bass: DTM
We may get someone else to sing!
Once I get online (Soon) I will start challenging you People to guitar battles and Face-off's but untill then (Not really)
DTM signing off 8)
If I had 10 wishes
by do_the_mario on Comments
I would wish for
- End of world hunger
- End of poverty
- World Peace
- End of Cancer
- No such thing as misery
- For everyone I know to be themselves but also increddible rich
- A Wii
- A 360 Elite
- PS3 Online/ Wii online
- Golden Membership for X-box live that never ran out
And that is the 10 things I'd wish for..... OH Yeah and 90 BLOG POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DTM signing off 8)
Update (New Annual blog)
by do_the_mario on Comments
Well heres the first update I may buy Kingdom Hearts 2 but I may not. Also I am returning NBA Live 08 to blockbuster since I only Rented, also the girl I like doesn't like that other guy anymore, now that doesn't mean she likes me but I think she does all I can do is HOPE, also I am going to my aunts this weekend (not related) So yeah, that's my Update
DTM signin' Off 8)
Oh yeah and here's my Top Ten Most Wanted Games! Some games were picked at random and Brawl would be higher if I had a Wii
1. DMC4
2. Eye of judgement
3. Turok
4. KH2
5. Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass
6. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
7. Bioshock
8. Mass Effect
9. Gears of War 2
10. Guitar Hero 4
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