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Topic? TOPIC? You couldn't handle my Topic unless you were pure AWESOMENESS

Hello everyone! It's me DTM or rather your friendly neighboorhood blogger. Some stuffs changed (like Gamespots interface and let me say nice job) my buddies NGC memory card got formatted (say goodbye to all his Phantasy Star Episodes 1 through 3 data) anyway that makes me the expert player though that also means that he lost my booma's right arm which I'm a little angry about, further more I've found an interesting "Glitch" for Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, first what I did was use all the Gamespot cheats (God mode, No Grav, and Nailgun) or something like that and I played the first mission (Anthema) So with my sawnoff I went in a blasted everyone and I get to the second floor and with my SMG I blow away some gaurd, now I'm still in my hitman clothing so I figured why not steal the gaurds clothes right? he's all nailed against the wall what'll he care? So I take his clothes and for fun start draging him and I accidentally let go and there staring right at me was lioke a mexian version of JESUS! He was floating in midair in the Jesus postion, my first thoughts were SAVE so I did and now I'm just waiting to get my camera and go to my buddies house (We made two copies thank god, was the pun intended?) and post it here! I played Top Spin Two and SOUL CALIBER 4, that game was awesome and I loved it, I will most likly play oblivion soon but obviously can't promise anything. Well I'm gonna try and buy PSOE1&2+ but I can't promise anything there as well (Phantasy Star Online: Episodes 1&2 Plus edition) Well, that may be it except I miss IT crowd and I know it's comin' back (AWESOME) and Code Monkey's is fillin' the void for now! Well, Untill Next Time

Do The Mario for Prime Minister, He's better then you!

P.S. Why can't one of the topics be AWESOMENESS? Let's get on that!