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price cut for the ps3

ok this has been annoying me since i found out that it happend why is'nt ireland cutting the price of the ps3 is ireland that much of a rip off country i want to get my hands on a ps3 but cant yet afford one i mean england and america are cutting the price of the ps3 i mean come on like what the hell

who says new is better

well i remember back to the days of yesteryear the 16 bit systems to the days of sonic and mario i was only a little kid when they came out first on the geneis and the snes but it made me think is the next generation the fueture or video gaming i mean in these days it takes me roughly 11 hours to beat a game 100% but when i used to play the snes and the megadrive i could play sonic and mario for hours and hours on end but what with the x box selling the old 16 bit games on the market place it makes me think will this be the future of the industry selling 16 bit games on another system